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Two liberals just trying to survive 2016.

Links mentioned in the podcast

Red recommends you follow McKay Coppins  for Trump coverage and donate to the ACLU 

Ivan recommends you follow Matt Pearce  and donate to the Standing Rock Sioux 




Edit: I'm going to listen first. But I REALLY hope there isn't any baseless bashing of 3rd parties this time


I listen to y'all because you make me laugh. I didn't know I needed to listen to y'all arrogently insert your politics into my ears too. Thank you for this!


Excellent podcast. Really enjoyed the personal touches to the Castro stuff. I'm glad you guys will do the Standing Rock stuff next, I've only just started reading about it and damn, it's a gross mess.

Rosie Gleeson

Hey fellas, love the work. Question: did you even consider calling it the Arro-gents podcast? Or would that be too much of an inside joke?


Great job! Although I am just a tiny bit disappointed that there were no references to Marvel, just doesn't seem like a true BG&S without a mention of some sort.


Ok, so Patreon keeps referring to you guys as our creators. Does that mean we're robots?


loved it!


Really nice to hear Ivan say he'd go to Cuba to protect his mom. Also +1 to everyone who says you should have titled the episode with an arrogent reference.


Love you guys, love the show, don't love the name. 'Bunker politics' just reminds me of all the sour grapes McCain/Romney supporters of the past decade; while I definitely don't think you have to play nice with deplorables, I don't think the whole bunker thing jibes with your professed political agendas of working together as a species to bring the robot apocalypse upon us asamfgdp. I don't have a better suggestion tho, which I know is less than helpful :/


NoooOOOooo. It would be a terrible idea to create 1000s of hosts to get jobs and then support us on Patreon.


We were riffing on names just before recording. I (Red) came up with the title, and was surprised Ivan was so enthusiastic on it. Still like the concept, the idea of just trying to survive the next four years, but not set in stone yet


Fair enough, but keep in mind that the bunker is where they WANT you to go. You're contained in the bunker. Don't let them stop you from wreaking the havoc of love and acceptance upon their burning world!


This addition and Pilot Fight have motivated me to TRIPLE my monthly contribution! That's right, TWO ADDITIONAL DOLLARS that you didn't have before, every month like clockwork!


Just wanted to say that in deciding I could give you guys money monthly, I made a matching contribution to the ACLU. I figure that evens out, right?