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As promised, another FeastDance episode that was recorded before we decided to cover WestWorld in the short term! We meant to have it up earlier in the week, but some unscheduled moaning and lying awake contemplating a new, horrible, future prevented it. We cover Daenerys III and Jon IV from A Dance with Dragons.




Weird, I checked the patreon page less than an hour ago to make sure I didn't miss this. Thanks for posting it!


Understandable. I mean, as a Jill Stein supporter, I've been ready for dystopia one way or another since the DNC cheated Bernie out of the nomination...but I remember that feeling when you realize the future is bleak.


Me: maybe this will take my mind off things for an hour. Red: *reads passage putting forth argument for slavery as necessary, makes "Trump 2016!" joke Ivan: *laughs* Me: *cries into spaghetti*