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Thank you everyone for your feedback on the Jurassic Park episode! We very much appreciate it and were encouraged by it! This test episode we're discussing a more niche adaptation that Maggie & Red fall on very different sides of: Neil Gaiman's book, Stardust, is formative for Maggie, while Matthew Vaughn's Stardust (2007) is one of Red's favorite movies.

Please let us know what you liked in this episode and what you'd like to hear more of, we're still very much developing the format and appreciate your feedback! Let us know in the comments or on twitter @red_scott / @emteehall !




Love these and looking forward to more


I really enjoyed the Jurassic Park episode where Maggie and Red agreed on the quality of the adaption, but hearing an episode where you absolutely disagree with one another was f**king magic. I never listen to podcasts twice, but i'm going for another spin right now. Also, Maggie's is the laugh Red's comedy deserves... also magic.


Thanks for the feedback Joe! I definitely think it’s better when we disagree, I think you’ll enjoy The Martian episode after we launch!