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The camp is busy but quiet as ever. More torches have been lit, brightly illuminating the space. Several dozen breakers are gathered amongst the tents, seated around small fires. I imagine they’re in the middle of heated talks given the situation but it’s difficult to tell with their reserved manners.

I draw the attention of several sentries standing around the camp, the loud splash of pulling the wagon across the stream drawing them to me like moths to flame. I pause on the bank, eyeing their stiff postures warily.

Thankfully, Cloud appears. She squeezes between them, the only trace of her previous injuries a weak limp. They have a silent conversation before the sentries give her a respectful bow and return to their positions.


“Hey, Cloud.” I drag the wagon over to her. “Brought you something.”

I gesture toward the back of the wagon. She circles around. “Who are they?”

“The sniveling one is the one you’re looking forward. The burned one tried to help him escape me.”

Eyes wide and nostrils flaring, she quickly moves around the wagon. I hear a yelp followed by a crash. Cloud comes back dragging the fearful tender. His feet scramble for purchase in the mud as she pulls him forward. “Bring the other,” she tells me brusquely, ignoring his babbled pleas and explanations as she mercilessly pulls him toward the camp.


The poor tender’s screams inevitably draw attention. The quiet group of breakers get to their feet, watching with intense gazes as Cloud drags him to the Ring. I leave the wagon in the center of the camp, confident that Eric won’t run off with his injuries, and join the crowd gathering around the wooden fence.

Cloud doesn’t bother going through the opening. One hand gripping his hair, the other on his waist, she throws him over before hopping the fence himself. She doesn’t give him a chance to catch his breath before continuing to drag him toward the center of the Ring.

I can’t help a brow raising as she grabs the collar used to restrain the manabeast from earlier and ties it around his neck. The tender pulls at the collar the moment he steps away but his struggles amount to nothing. It’s just a buckle though? Is he so afraid his fingers have gone numb? I’m a little embarrassed for him.

Cloud stops halfway between him and the Ring, watching the crowd.


I jump at her sudden yell. Didn’t know she could raise her voice. It’s still strange as, despite the powerful volume, she controls herself. Only the faintest hint of outrage slips into her tone.


The breakers give a collective shout of…agreement? Approval? Anger? It’s deep and powerful, the single voice somehow reverberating in the heavy silence.


Another shout.


I join in on the next shout, my voice drowned out in the commotion. A strange excitement heats my blood. I can feel the tension mounting.


Around me, the breakers move. The ones closest to me slip strange gauntlets over their hands. Dark leather lined with fur. Attached to the knuckles are sharp pieces of pone to that resemble claws. It’s as if their forearms are swapped with those of animals.

Cloud looks over her shoulder at the tender, who’s devolved into a sobbing mess, pleading for his life. Her features don’t have a hint of sympathy as she turns back around. Then…she howls.

That is not a sound that should be coming from a human throat. It is the song of the night that used to scare the settlers of this continent, those who ruled the land before the First King carved out his kingdom. It’s something that hits an instinctive part of me that clings to my rapidly fading humanity and sends shivers down my spine.

A feeling that is not helped by the chorus of growls that follow.

Kierra growls sometimes. It’s playful and sexy.

This is fucking terrifying. In the flickering light of the standing torches, it’s easy to imagine the crowd of breakers as hunched over beasts. Their features blur in my mind as they leap forward, crashing through the wooden fence in a horde of snarls and gnashing teeth. The scene is so utterly baffling and horrifying that I remain rooted where I am.

The tender doesn’t share my problem. He’s immediately on his feet and running. I can hear the heavy chain sliding over the grass and his pounding footsteps but the barefoot, I hesitate not to call them animals, breakers’ footfalls are silent.

He doesn’t make it to the end of his leash before he’s tackled to the ground. Then the screams starts as they converge on him. They tear him apart. Literally.

Confusion and horror are joined by strange fascination as they tear chunks away from him, bits of flesh momentarily illuminated by firelight as they’re tossed aside.

I see why Eric said bringing them here was a bad idea. This is…brutal.


I look at Cloud who slowly approaches. Stepping carefully and watching me for any signs of upset.

Please. Do you think this enough to scare me? I’m horrified by the manner of it all. Beastly as she is, my wife wouldn’t go around tearing people apart like an actual animal. I swear I saw one of those breakers take a bite out of the boy. It’s dirty. Dirty and nasty and just, ugh.

My new friend relaxes once she reaches me but a hand shoots out to grab my shoulder. “I hope our ways aren’t too disturbing,” she says in a reassuring voice. “Oathbreakers, who hide their secrets beneath their skin. Then tear their skin away to see their truth. So it shall be.”

“No offense to you, but I have no opinion either way. I’m a volunteer for another Restday. You say he needs to be…eviscerated, great.”

She smiles. “Thank you for your understanding. It is rare for someone not of the faith.”

“Ah, well. Trust goes both ways. You didn’t question he was the culprit at all.” Really, I think that’s the biggest cause of my surprise. No trial, no questions, nothing. They jumped right to the execution.

Cloud’s smile widens. “The faithful exchange meaning without words but it is not a skill solely ours. Many beings speak in ways other than voices, especially people. You have an honest body.”

I blink. That sounded a little…

“Ahem.” I forcefully push away the thoughts. Come on, Lou. You have to draw the line somewhere. You just watched her roll around with a monster for hours and her ‘people’ practically bathe in someone’s blood. Both problems that can be fixed with a bath—

I mean, no!

“Thanks. Um, I’ve got things to do tomorrow so I should probably get going. You all seem to have this well in hand.” I take a glance at the Ring. Didn’t notice when the screams stopped. He’s dead, right? Why are they still gathered around him?

Oh, dear saints above, don’t tell me they’re eat—

“Yes. It’s gotten late. I will see you to the gate.”

“You don’t have to—”

“I insist. We move in numbers while enemies are about. So it shall be.”


I glance toward the wagon and put my acquaintance out of my mind as Cloud walks off. As the farmers say, you reap what you sow.


Quick explanation on the Temple:

Law of Boundaries- They believe strongly in territory. In this case, it refers to the division of authority. The Temple stays out of the business of the Breeder Faction, respecting their areas of authority, and expect the same. By intervening in a communion, the tender has "intruded on their territory".

Law of Communion- The communion is a sacred practice to them. Nothing is meant to come between the breaker and the beast.

Law of Beasts- This refers to a few things but in this instance, it refers to how conflicts are settled face-to-face. Backhanded tactics like sabotage are looked down on.

Oh, and they aren't cannibals. 


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