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I have a moment to take in Eric’s grim frown before he yanks on my leg, sending me sprawling. I bite my tongue as my face hits the wagon’s floor but he doesn’t relent, pulling me to the ground.

I get over my shock as his foot appears over me, quickly rolling aside as he stomps the ground and getting to my feet. “What in the saints’ are you doing?” I growl, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Eric winces. “Sorry but I’ve got a job to do. Blame your bad luck.”

No kidding. But you’re just as unlucky as me.

Reaching out, grab the harness tying the horse to the wagon and yank, snapping the thick leather. The animal shifts nervously but doesn’t get the message so I give it a light tap on the rump. It finally gallops away. Wouldn’t want it getting hurt.

While I’m busy doing a good deed, Eric must have been building a spell, because there is suddenly a rumble of earth below me. Earth, huh. Very permanent, very strong, very slow.

I easily jump out of the way, throwing a Flame Arrow at him. He weaves out of the way of the flaming projectile only to be hit by the second.

Dueling basics. Always have a backup plan.

“GAH!” He screams as the fire impacts his chest. It barely singes him but the impact sends him sprawling to the ground. A second spell is aimed for his face but it hits an earth dome instead. Much faster casting there, Eric, though defensive spells are near useless if they aren’t quick.

I expect the dome to come down but it stays in place. “Really?” I examine it closely, seeing a seamless shell. Ah, you won’t even be able to breathe for long in there.

Dueling basics number 2. Assume they have a way to get out and plan for it.

How does he plan to escape hiding under there? Only one way.

My ears change and, as expected, I hear the earth shifting. Right under—

“Son of a—” I jump just as spikes erupt beneath me. A move I’ve seen before but this is far more dangerous. The spikes are thin and jagged. Designed to pierce a body and tear it apart. Taking up a whole section of the road, if I’d done anything but jumped, I would have been skewered.

Casting Fire Arrow, I grit my teeth as I direct it against my stomach, throwing myself clear.

The moment I land, I can hear the earth shifting again. I immediately take off, weaving a spell as I do. I don’t know how long he can stay underground and I’m not about to dance around him all night. It’d be a piece of cake to yank him out of the ground with one of my other forms, but I can’t let him live knowing my secrets.

That means doing things the hard way.

I release Search, a simple spell of the mental affinity that searches for the presence of minds within a defined radius. Even underground.

He’s hiding under the wagon, devious bastard. Do you think I won’t target you because of the idiot aboard? Think again.

Leaping over more spikes, these taller than the ones before, I throw myself toward the wagon with another Fire Arrow, arcing myself over the wagon while hastily casting another spell.

Being my original element, and the only one I can show without causing suspicion, I’ve trained most with the fire affinity. Enough that casting a slightly larger spell before I fall too far is well-within my abilities.

I throw two spells in quick succession. The first, a Fire Arrow that hits the wagon, sending it rolling away. Never mind it catching fire. It’ll take at least five minutes for the tender to be in danger. I’m not a softie. It’ll just inconvenience my next spell if there’s another obstacle.

The second spell is a large fireball packed with most of my remaining mana. Bright enough that my enhance hearing can make out several monsters hurrying away from the area and hot enough to be uncomfortable despite me forming it an arm’s length above me. I don’t hesitate to launch it at the ground, curling my body protectively

As it lands, the fire expands rapidly with astounding force and a thunderous roar that hurts my ears. Rocks pelt my body, carried by a powerful wind that throws me away. I land hard on the nearby grass, rolling for several seconds.

In a moment, I revert to my elemental form before resuming my human skin, the aching muscles and ringing ears gone as I stand, but the pain of a stressed mana core remains. Small fires are scattered across the road and in the grass. The wagon was blown further down the road but seems to be in one piece. I can’t say the same for Eric.

Where my spell landed is a small crater, dug out from the explosion. Eric is on the lip of it, slowly pulling himself free. His shirt is in tatters, one arm and part of his face badly burned, but he’s still in one piece. Which is a little surprising.

His struggles stop as I approach. He groans and turns so he’s lying on his back, glaring up at me. “I thought you were an initiate. That’s Advanced Spellcrafting at the very least.”

“I’m an overachiever,” I retort, eyes wary for any signs of attack. He looks pretty tired. “Though I’m clearly not that good. You should be dead.” Or at least maimed.

He laughs, the sound transitioning into a cough. “Make sure you focus in Mana Work. Being able to feel a spell being worked can save your life.”

“Thanks for the advice, senior.” I reach down and grab him by the shoulders, dragging him the rest of the way out of the crater.

The moment he’s clear, he gets his feet under him then throws himself forward. His full weight hits me but I was waiting for this. I plant my foot firmly behind me, stopping his charge, and drive my fist into his stomach. Air explodes out of his lungs as he bends over. His hands grab my shoulders. I don’t know if he’s trying to attack me again or holding himself up. Either way, I shrug him off and kick him to the ground.

“Sorry,” I say without an ounce of sincerity as I stomp on his chest. I’m hoping I’ve simply bruised his ribs but his painful howl makes me wonder. “Can’t have you running off.”

I hook my arms under his shoulders and drag him toward the wagon, ignoring his screams. “You…damn monster…” he growls through panting breaths. “That strength…you’re with…the Temple.”

“I’m not actually.”

“You…don’t know…what you’re doing…”

“Well, what I’m doing right now is taking two crazy bastards who suddenly attacked me for no reason, uh.” Don’t know where to take them, actually. I was originally going to take the poisoner to Eric and ask his advice. If he’s a part of this, there’s no telling who to trust.

“I guess I’m taking you to Cloud.” I was worried what might become of them but should I care about what happens to bastards who both attacked me? Don’t think so.

“No!” Eric starts struggling, which only results in him gasping from pain. “You…can’t.”

Seems my worries were justified. “You guys aren’t giving me many options.”

“Make…things worse…”

“You guys should have thought about that before you got me involved. Up you go.” He yells as I heft him onto the back of the wagon. My first attacker is whimpering alongside him, no worse for wear. I’d give them both a checkup but my abused mana core is already aching. Not worth it. If they die, they die.

I move around to the front of the wagon, grabbing the arms. “Time to play draft horse,” I mumble. “Hold on back there!”

Curses answer back. I chuckle as I pull the wagon forward, skirting the crater. Back toward the camp.


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