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Witness the next collection coming from the Bestiarum! After the tightest round of voting we’ve ever seen, the Puppeteer won by 0.4% - we still amazed at how close it was.

As is tradition, we’re revealing the results of your decision alongside the next round of voting – after checking out the good stuff here, make sure to cast your vote!


So, let’s see how the Art Department has interpreted the Puppeteer Prompt. To remind you all, design work doesn’t begin on these collections until after the vote is complete, it’s extremely exciting to see how the prompts get interpreted by the crew!

CODENAME: Blessed Automata

A derelict laboratory, once-home to an engineer driven mad by one obsession – the creation of life from lifelessness. Immaculate beings, bereft of the innate corruption that suffuses the natural-born folk of Doaden.

Though the master is long lost, the laboratory still whirs and chirrups with strange activity. The clanging and whirring of artisanal industry echoes though the still hallways. Strange constructs wander the hallways, single-mindedly focused upon some intricate task or other.

Protectors of the Great Work patrol the halls, intricate and lithe automata armed with wicked blades and blinding agility, ready to strike down any who venture deeper into the sanctum. Though designed for terrible violence, their forms are inlaid with gorgeous gilt filigree.

Despite the long disappearance of the Engineer who built this place, industry whirs ever-onwards in the depths. Fuelled by broken machines, raw metals and organic matter, the beautiful progenitor toils endlessly, birthing new creations in keeping with her creator’s vision.

The last of the Engineer’s creations, their magnum opus – the Immaculate is a being that borders on the divine. A demi-god, a blessed prince of gear & engine, each of their inner mechanisms are subtle masterworks of art and invention beyond comprehension, except perhaps by Allstein’s most august Technomagi…

Hope you’re all excited about this collection – sculpting is already underway and we can’t wait to reveal the models later in the month! Let us know what you think in the comments!

And don’t forget, check out the other post and cast your vote for May’s second collection!



Bestiarum Crew



Adam Christopher Boyd

I constantly get frustrated with the picks of the community as they are the furthest thing I choose on any of the polls. And then I see your goddamn artwork and I realize it doesn't fucking matter what I vote. It's rare that you can find an artist that can shut a person up simply by their work quelling any concerns on its very own.


Whether intentional or more coincidental, these look like they would make fantastically decadent proxies for a certain Grimdark faction of unliving automatons.