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Hey Everyone!

Exciting news to jazz up your Friday – the revamped 5E Adventure Archive is now live in your MMF Libraries! (Exclusive to All-In Tier members!)

34 Adventures of 5E goodness, offering a tonne of content to keep you busy for months, if not years! All reorganised and rearranged for a more cohesive and user-friendly experience.

Over the years we’ve seen many of you reach out, asking for advice on where to start with our 5E Adventures, and now, with this new static Archive, we’ve been able to craft a clearer and less fragmented user experience for you all. Now, all the resources you need are right at your fingertips from the very start!

So, whether you're a seasoned adventurer or just starting out, there's something exciting waiting for you in the revamped 5E Adventure Archive. Check it out now and embark on your next epic journey!

Find the Archive Here 

If you're a current All-In Subscriber, this should already register as part of your library, but please allow a few hours for the platforms to catch up! Drop us a DM if you think there's a problem.

Archive Guidance Booklet

34 Adventures is a pretty hefty pile of content to get to grips with, so to help you on your travels, we’ve prepared a short Guidance Booklet, offering some explanations and tips for getting the most out of the Archive. Plus, a clear table breaking down the whole library by level & associated miniatures collections!

Archive Structure

The Adventure Archive is grouped according to Level and Experience Type, over the years, we have developed a mixture of self-contained, one-shot experiences, alongside a few multi-part Adventures, which are fondly calling Escalations & Sagas. These chart some of the most dramatic and cinematic moments in Doaden’s history – such as the Beastmen Siege of Sturmenburg, or the emergence of the Man Eater menace.

All these different adventures can be woven together to easily create a long and exciting campaign or taken as bitesize pieces for your own ongoing campaigns.

Each Adventure folder contains everything you need to get to grips with the experience, and deploy it on your tabletop – Maps, Assets, Lore Booklets & Links to the Miniatures. No more searching across platforms and folders, we’ve worked hard to make this Archive the most accessible experience it can be.

The Evolving Canon

This Archive is the result of 3 years of continued, monthly development and worldbuilding, shared live with you all. While this approach has allowed us to refine our creative vision for the world of Doaden, it also means that our you’ll witnesses both significant and subtle changes to the 'canon'.

While we wish we could continuously update everything to reflect the current vision for Doaden, this isn’t a feasible task right now, but with our first crowdfunding campaign looming, you’ll see how we’re planning to tackle that. In the meantime, we didn’t want to deprive you of the older adventures – there is some really awesome stuff back there, and a few lore retcons shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying them!


We hope you all enjoy the new Adventure Archive, putting it together has been a wonderful trip back in time for us, seeing how things have grown since Man Hunt, back in December 2021 fills us with pride. A sincere thank you to everyone who supported our RPG Content over the years, this wouldn't have been possible without you!

Good luck on your travels through Doaden, you’ll need it!


Bestiarum Team



Tan L. K.

This was genuinely such a treat!! I love being able to see the gorgeous accompanying art, lore, and adventures to go alongside this models 😁! It really helps flesh out the grimdark world, factions, and helps really showcase the character of each of the models! You guys on the Bestiarum Team are fantastic!

Blazej Orszulik

OMG i was already keeping my rpg files aside in folders but to be honest that was such a mess on my computer :) You guys made my Day <3 Love y'all