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Blessings from the Prison Realm!

Today we’re pleased to reveal the artwork behind February’s second Miniature Collection – Tormentor Cults Part Two.

The Jailor’s children are rising up once again, and alongside the expansion of some of our most well-loved miniature ranges, the team has brought forth some truly mind bending monstrosities from deep within the Jailor’s Prison Realm. Let’s dive in –

In the shadowy corners of Doaden, the Tormentor Cults rise, a gathering of the deranged and the damned, united in their worship of demons from the prison realm. These cultists revel in pain and despair, their rituals steeped in madness and cruelty. In the prison realm, dark things stir, too terrifying for the imagination of man. Strange collector demons and machines of torment stalk a twisted landscape echoing with the chorus of a billion wailing souls collected from a thousand worlds. Here, in this macabre realm, fear reigns supreme and mercy is but a forgotten word.

Cult Acolytes

For starters, we’re bulking out our roster of skinny, robed maniacs! At the core of the set is seven extra cultist thugs, plus a pair of hulking bruisers, armed with great two-handed weapons.

The devoted followers of the Tormentor Cults, marked by their unwavering zeal in worshipping demons from the prison realm. These acolytes engage in dark rituals and willingly partake in acts of depravity to demonstrate their loyalty to their malevolent deities, relishing in the twisted cries of their victims.

Collector Demon

The first of February’s demonic entities, this stalk-limbed freakshow has come straight out of the Prison Realm onto the tabletop.

The Collector Demon is not just a predator; it is a harvester of souls, capturing its prey to be stored in an unknown, horrifying pocket dimension.

Herald of Agony

Leading the congregation is the Herald of Agony, and on the off-chance one of his agonising sermons flop, he’s capable of giving himself a pretty decent round of applause…

Draped in robes etched with symbols of pain and suffering, exuding an aura of terrifying malevolence. a herald's presence is spirit-crushing, as they channel dark energies to crush the will of their enemies.

Wailing Leviathan

Centrepiece of this collection stands (crawls) this monstrosity. The Wailing Leviathan is one part demon, one part terrain. This thing is pretty darn huge, if you’re struggling to grasp the scale, just take a closer look at that horde of prisoners dragged at the rear of this ship-beast.

This gargantuan form, supported by massive, trunk-like legs, resembles a walking fortress crafted from the rusted hull of a metallic, alien ship. The leviathan serves as a mobile prison, its body a labyrinthine network of cells and torture chambers, filled with the moans of the damned and the clanking of its hellish construction.

That closes out the first preview for Tormentor Cults Part Two! We hope you’re as excited as we are about returning to this classic Bestiarum Faction.

If this is the first you’re hearing about the Tormentor Cults, good news! There’s a tonne more to dive into – Alongside the Rise of the Jailor Collection, included in the Welcome Pack, there are a host more prison entities waiting in Tormentor Cults Part 1.

Subscribers can grab this set for 70% off – a deeper discount to cover the crossover with the Welcome Pack.

See you soon for the Sculpt Reveals, in the meantime, happy hobbying!


Bestiarum Team



tyler dockery

These cultists were always awesome! I hope there's an option for the leviathan followers all to be on a single large base (have 2 or more groups if we wanted)

Blazej Orszulik

Oh no... my Players just finished therapy after Rise of The Jailer... well i have some bad news for them ^^