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Hey Folks,

It’s that time again! Time to share with you all the sweet & viscous fruits of your last release vote, and launch the next round of decisions.

As usual, they’re spread across two posts, to check out the choices for March, and make your decision known, visit the community vote post.


Last month, y’all voted for Insectoid Horrors and since then, the team has been hard at work driving this prompt through their warped and maniacal creative lens. After some furious invention, we’re pleased to share the result with you all.

Meet the Hive.

In the deepest shadows of Doaden's wilderness, a horrifying symphony echoes from the Hive Queen’s lair. The deep tunnels of her hive are lined with wriggling maggots and nightmarish insectoid horrors, and at the nexus of these winding tunnels lies the queen herself, a grotesque empress who spawns an endless legion of chitinous offspring. This is a domain where the buzzing of wings and the clatter of mandibles spell doom, a world where the insectoid reign is absolute and unchallenged.

Chitin Thralls

The remnants of humans who have fallen victim to the hive's insidious influence. Once captured by the hive’s guardians, their bodies are horrifically transformed, melding flesh with chitin to create a disturbing amalgamation of human and insect.

Strangely, many of them seem to seek out the hive of their own free will before they make the change…

Locust Guardians

A daunting sentinel of the insectoid hive, a nightmarish fusion of humanoid and insect features. Its towering form is covered in a chitinous exoskeleton, and its multifaceted eyes gleam with a singular purpose: to protect their mother and her squirming newborn children.

Walking Hive

A haunting sight, human bodies grotesquely transformed into living nurseries of the Hive Queen’s children. Their flesh bulges with the writhing movements of larvae within, and their eyes have a glazed, distant look, showing no sign of the person they once were. These beings shuffle forward aimlessly, driven only by the basic instincts imparted by the hive.


The elite assassins of the insectoid hive, a terrifying fusion of humanoid intelligence and insectoid lethality. Moving with a silent grace that belies their size, Razorwings are the embodiment of the hive's stealth and precision in combat. Hidden within the dark recesses of their domain, they are ever-watchful protectors and enforcers, striking down threats to their queen with chilling efficiency.

The Hive Queen

The terrifying embodiment of her hive's power and will. Her form is both repulsive and awe-inspiring, festooned with egg sacs and swarming with loyal minions. The Hive Queen is not merely the ruler but the living heart of the hive, capable of birthing countless offspring and summoning swarms to defend her and overwhelm intruders.

Phew, is your skin crawling too? Let us know what you think about these creepy crawlies in the comments!

Next week, we’ll be back with another reveal, for February’s second collection – Tormentor Cults Part Two, which we’re certain you’ll love – after all, it features the expansion of some extremely well-loved ranges, alongside some of the most absolutely insane monsters the team has ever birthed!

Before we close out, remember to head over to the other post, and cast your vote for March! There’s beasts that need hunting!



Bestiarum Team



Blazej Orszulik

im shivering in disgust... love it ^^


This concept art and Januarys current release made me upgrade my membership, excited to see how this one turns out!