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Hey Gang!

Hot on the heels of January’s first preview, the Wilds of Doaden, we’d like to introduce you to 2024’s second release, a gang of truly charming twins – The Accursed Ettin.

But first, we’re pleased to report the winner of February’s Community Vote is Insectoid Horrors – and the crew have started gathering up our disparate nightmares for a mood board.

Let us know in the comments what you’d like to see from the Insectoid Horrors release!

The Accursed Ettin

Twin-Headed Ettin, Hecatoncheires, primal children of the brute earth, they are known by many names. At a distance, they might be easily mistaken for the Giants of Doaden, though on closer inspection they share little of the proud and introverted nature of that noble breed.

They are misshapen, troglodytic and asymmetrical behemoths, hulking bodies covered in altogether too many limbs and, their most prominent feature, a second head…

Nestled alongside a more humanoid ‘twin’, these second heads are little more than giant, gnashing mouths. Uttering terrible belches and unintelligible yells, these mouths seek only to be fed. Whatever crude intellect their other heads might possess is predominantly occupied by dealing with their single-minded brothers or sisters.

The Grandsire

Generally, Ettins will form crude family units, deferring to the strongest and largest among them. These hulking brutes stand many times the height of their kindred, carrying an immense girth and great collection of trophies marking their brutish triumphs.

Ettin Shaman

In spite of their constantly warring personalities, the Ettin appear to exhibit a crude belief structure. The tenets of which will likely forever remain a mystery, but some brave scholars have noted a particular preoccupation with the engraved runestones found across the wilds of Doaden. This is most evident upon the mystic Shamans, the rune marks upon their skin seeming to fuel dark magics.


Lastly, we have the Younglings of the Ettin Tribe. Surprisingly fecund for such large beasts, the Ettin’s prodigious birth rate likely combats the maddening wilfulness of these Younglings, the supreme hunger of their dominant second heads drive them into all kinds of trouble…

That about covers the design reveal, we can’t wait to show off the renders. You might’ve already clocked it from the size of the human victims, but these things are absolutely HUGE – the smallest model from the collection, the Younglings already fill out a 50mm base!

So, let us know what you think, we had a great time designing this set and hope you’re as excited as we are to see them printed in January!

We’ll be back later this week with the Allstein Part Two Launch – Stay tuned!


Bestiarum Team



john isabell

just please keep the sci fi out