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Hello, Brave Adventurers,

As the brisk winds of winter descend across our lands, we bring you updates and enhancements that are sure to kindle the fires of excitement in your hearts. This month, we unveil a formidable addition to our Path of Penitence campaign system and give you a view of what’s coming next.

The War Wagons Supplement: A Bastion on Wheels

This month’s highlight for the Path of Penitence campaign system is the introduction of the War Wagon supplement. As your party advances in rank within the Crusade, they will gain access to their very own War Wagon, a moving fortresses, mobile headquarter, and battle station which they can use in the battle against the darkness that has engulfed Azerai.

This new module has been added to the Path of Penitence Campaign Tools, just download the zip and you’ll find it alongside the rest of the Game Master Tools.

Heart of the Crusade

Imagine a behemoth of fire and iron, a mechanical beast echoing the rage of a beleaguered empire. Picture massive wheels crushing obstacles, armour plates scarred from countless battles, and banners telling tales of past glories. These wagons are not just a mode of transport; they are a testament to the Azerai’s devotion and a harbinger of the dawn of a reclaimed Empire.

Your War Machine, Your Rules

The War Wagon supplement provides comprehensive rules for purchasing, maintaining, driving, and upgrading your war wagon. Customize and fortify your mobile bastion to make it uniquely yours. Dive into mechanics that allow you to use your war wagon in combat and thrilling chase encounters, offering a new layer of strategic depth to your campaign.

Integrating with PoP Systems

To maximize the potential of your war wagon, be sure to revisit the Crusade Advancement supplement and the Hex Crawl Map system. These tools, combined with your war wagon, will bring unparalleled dynamism to your adventures across Doaden.

The War Wagon Miniature

Incase you missed it, the War Wagon was a miniature we released back in April 2023, as part of the Penitent Crusade Part 3 Collection. The ‘miniature’ is an absolute beast – a true kit, this comes with a tonne of interactive parts – from rolling wheels, modular hatches, husk ‘hardpoints’ and, our personal favourite, an openable rear hatch!

View the War Wagon on MyMiniFactory 

Check out the video showcase we made earlier in the year for this beast right HERE 

NEXT STEPS: Consolidating the Path of Penitence

In our continuous effort to improve your experience and make your journey through Doaden as immersive and accessible as possible, next month’s Path of Penitence development will be focused on organizing and streamlining the experience for game masters, new and old alike.

With the completion of the war wagon supplement, our objectives for the core Path of Penitence campaign experience are complete. As we close this chapter of our development and look to the future, we will be taking some time to consolidate the past several months of work into a more comprehensive experience.

This December, expect a more unified and user-friendly guide that brings together all the rules and systems we've developed and released over the past months, as well as new tips for starting and running campaigns using Bestiarum’s adventure module system.

This consolidation is not just about simplification; it’s about bringing coherence and ease to your adventures. Now, all the tools, systems, and lore you need to navigate the Path of Penitence will be at your fingertips, ready to enhance every aspect of your campaign.


As a final note, we just want to thank everyone in our community for your incredible engagement, feedback, and passion for the world of Doaden over the past several months throughout this development period. Your voices have been the guiding stars in our quest to create something truly special. Here’s to many more adventures! Stay bold, stay passionate, and as always, happy adventuring!

Warmest Regards,

Alex Dovermann

5e Lead Designer



Jérémy Guay

I love everything you do! Quick question, on the road map there is "dragon hunt" was that the knights of the beasts or is it something seperate?


I have been unable to download the "Walk the Path of Penitence" or has that been replaced with the "Path of Penitence - Campaign Guide" I wasnt able to download it at all in the past either but I forgot to say on here (crazy with work etc..)