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Good Day Dear Followers!

Hope everyone’s having a great week! We’re coming at you again with another December promo! While Crimson Grove marches its way through the render pipeline, we turn our gaze to something both old and new.

Many of you already guessed from our sneak peek last week, but if you missed it, ALLSTEIN IS BACK BABY.

Launched way back in June 2021 (peak yellow render era) the Spires of Allstein was Bestiarum’s first foray outside of our usual fantasy fare – a collection of bleak and brutal soldiery, armed with an anachronistic array of firearms, mechanical augmentations, and a divine being of machine and metal.

Link to Allstein Part 1 

Approaching Allstein Part Two, we had two key aims – developing and expanding the aesthetic of Part 1, and filling out the roster of characters to fill a few important archetypes we couldn’t hit in Part 1.

So without further ado, lets check out those glorious concepts –

Taken from the same stock as the Bane Destroyers, but grafted with a horrific array of mechanical augmentations, this Walker will cut a tall and imposing silhouette over the line troops.

An Augmented infantryman, this soldier is more machine than man. What cold intelligence could remain behind that soulless mask?

Living a mostly vertical life in their lofty spires, Allsteiners don’t have much patience for manual horizontal movement. This mighty Landship seeks to solve this problem. Look closely at the mechanics and you’ll see the metal beast is powered by the same terrible energy as Allstein’s other machine marvels.

Last up, we have this dapper fellow. We’ve already met many of the martial leaders of Allstein’s armies, but in Part 2 we’ll be introducing you to this imposing Engineer.

That’s just a taste of the full Allstein Part 2 experience, alongside these new characters, you can expect to see some more variations for the much-loved gunners – whose been asking for a unit of 10?


Thanks for checking out the preview folks, we’ll be back with more next week, launching November’s Forbidden Psalm Module, and the next HUGE Path of Penitence Module – the Wagon.


Bestiarum Team

P.S. Anyone else hearing bells?



Gavin Butstraen

Will they be scaled to the first release? (so that "regular" humans in both releases have the same size)


We'll certainly be checking them against the part 1 models! We're making a few extra gunner poses, so I expect scaling will start there :)


Woo woo! I love how that augmented soldier straddles the line between the spireres and scrappers.