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Avast, me hearties!

Smell that? The distant odour of salt and rotting shellfish? Well take heed, for in the coming weeks that foul scent shall draw ever closer… Because this November, we’ll be returning to the dread shores of Doaden to meet the N’Gorroth once again!

Never heard of the N'Gorroth before? You'd best check out the Original Collection from last year!

We’re super excited to share this preview with you, we know the N’Gorroth are a major fan favourite! So without further ado, lets dive into it –

The N’Gorroth – Part Two

Amidst the ever-churning tides of Doaden's shores lies a submerged legacy, a testament to ancient pacts and forgotten deities of the abyssal deep. These relics of a bygone era still resonate with eldritch power, attracting both curious explorers and malevolent entities. Beneath the waves, the boundaries between the known world and the vast, unknowable expanse become blurred. In these submerged ruins, the tales of old are not merely remembered; they awaken…

The sunken are strange beings, twisted by eldritch magics. They are the remains of those land dwellers who dared trespass upon the N’gorroth’s murky domain. These bloated, grotesque figures have been transformed; their human forms marred by unnatural, aquatic appendages. Their sunken eyes, forever filled with icy water, betray no emotion as they rise to fulfill some dark, lingering purpose.

The drowned remains of the arcane practitioners, the Sunken Priests, maintain a shadow of their past power. Their rotting forms, wrapped in the tattered remnants of ceremonial robes, command dark, watery magics that they once used to worship the abyssal deities. These priests are echoes of their former selves, driven by a relentless urge to serve their sunken god and restore their ancient glory.

Leechworms are simple bio forms, tubes of muscle, teeth, and corrosive digestive tracts. These bloodsucking parasites move in vast, writhing masses, a seething tide of grotesque annelids that can strip flesh from bone in minutes.

The grotesque Wormhost is a tragic sight: a once-living being, now reduced to little more than an animated sack of flesh, distorted by the parasitic leechworm eggs it carries. Every step and twitch of this bloated thing resonates with the wriggling and writhing of the larvae inside, ready to burst and propagate their vile existence.

The very embodiment of nightmarish visions from the abyss, the Zhathogga is a thing of writhing chitinous armor and deadly scything claws. It is both a cunning predator and a relentless beast, its innumerable legs allowing it to scuttle with unnerving speed, burrow into the earth, and even swim with ease. In the dim glow of subterranean environments, this eldritch horror emerges like a phantom, ready to bring terror and death to any who cross its path.

In the shadowy depths, the gargantuan and misshapen avatar of an ancient god has lain dormant for centuries. Once worshipped by strange fish-folk societies predating the age of man, this eldritch horror now stirs once more, rising from the icy depths to plague those who dare enter its watery domain. A relic from the distant past, its many beady eyes glare and its monstrous maw gnashes with a primordial malevolence, while its thousand tentacles writhe and twist as if each had a mind of its own. To witness such an entity is not only to risk life but also to teeter on the precipice of madness.


Phew, it’s gonna take a while to wash this fishy stench out… So let us know, what do you think? Excited for November?


Bestiarum Team



Carlos Jhonatan

Looks great, is there gonna be a discount for the part 1? I dont have it

maxime Paquette

So Nice ! I am using this theme for one of my Homebrew city full of crime and drugs addict. They use what is call ''white pearl'' which is actually white worm injected in the vein of people. The effect is like opium and help peoples escape their crappy reality. So all those news worms types mini will be PERFECT ! Thank again. Looking for it !