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The time has come! This is the place for you to share your darkest desires for what's next from Bestiarum.

We've got four prompts for you to choose from this time. We're taking some of the previous choices out of rotation for now, with November seeing the return of the N'Gorroth, and the arrival of NPCs - we figured it's time for some new blood!

Here's the prompts you'll be voting on for December:

Return to Crimson Grove

One of our most popular classic collections, we'll look at returning to the corrupted halls of the Abbey, unleashing more corrupted clergy, who've grown feculent upon the fruits of the Crimson Abbey.

Kindred of the Great Salamander

Nestled away within the few clean sources of clean water of Doaden, the Kindred of the Great Salamander dwell. Hulking amphibian humanoids blessed with prodigious regenerative capabilities, behind their beady eyes dwells a wicked intelligence.

Tormentor Cult ReUprising

Though their nefarious plan to summon the Jailer were stalled thanks to the deeds of the Penitent, we can say for certain that the pernicious threat of the Tormentor Cults will rear its foul head once again...

Accursed Ettin Tribe

A tribe of twin-headed Giants, descending upon the Empire from the far north. Driven mad by the incessant bickering of their conjoined heads, their taste for peasant flesh has taken them deep into the pastoral lands of the Empire, a path of destruction left in their wake.

Comments Wildcard

As always, we want to hear from you in the comments too! Let us know what you're looking for, and if you see something else you like the sound of, give the comment a like - rest assured we do keep watch of these - Echoes of the Seraphim began as a community suggestion!


As usual, voting will close in a week or so, so get your choices in while there's time!


Bestiarum Team



I'd love to see a Bestiarum take on the Warfoged

Aldwyn P.

I could really use stirges/stirge swarms, there are just no good mini's for them. But the werewolf tribe option is gone!? That's a huge disappointment, was really hoping for them in like November or December. Also Wendigo.