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Hey Everyone,

We’re here with the 5E Adventure for September’s first collection Mycena Mortifera. The 23.09 Edition of Liber Obscura has been shared via MMF and you should have all received your email invitations!

The party is attacked by a horde of rotting corpses, traces of blue spores infecting the zombified humans leading to a nearby cave, where a strange mind-controlling fungus, the Mycena Mortifera, is growing.

You must put an end to this madness, and delve into the caverns to find this sinister mycelium and destroy it so that the plague of animated dead cannot continue to infect the area.

This module sees the party sent on a classic dungeon-delve experience, with those grimdark trappings you’d expect from a collection as grisly as Mycena Mortifera. From the start of the adventure, where players are thrust into a desperate encounter with the infected villagers, to the oppressive fog of the fungal spores that suffuse the caves, this adventure promises a tense and oppressive experience for the party – take care!

We’ve got another awesome slate of gaming content coming this month. We’re particularly excited to share the next 5E Devtalk, and Path of Penitence Campaign module with you all – this September, we’ve cut back 1 Adventure to devote our resources to a big one, we’ll be launching the Doaden Hexcrawl Travel Supplement, adding a major new element to the PoP Campaign toolkit!

Here’s the full schedule:

Week 1 – Mycena Mortifera 5E Adventure & Forbidden Psalm Scenario

Week 2 – September Dev Talk & Hex Crawl Travel Module

Week 3 – Echoes of the Seraphim 5E Adventure

Happy gaming, we’ll catch you again soon!


Bestiarum Team



chris wilkinson

Hay, is there a stat block for the shambler?