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Hey everyone,

We have some exciting news to share with you. Our team has been working hard behind the scenes to develop the next chapter in Bestiarum's 5E Adventures, the Path of Penitence.

We’ll be providing more details in the upcoming weeks. However, here's a sneak peek we couldn't wait to share with you!

We’re thrilled to introduce Vozruk the Stormcrow as our first Loyalty Reward! You may remember Vozruk from some of our previous Adventures, serving as the Party's handler. Now, Vozruk has entered the third dimension; doesn't he look glorious?

Vozruk will be the first of our new Loyalty Rewards. We will provide more details on the mechanics soon.

Stay tuned for more information, and as always, Happy Printing!


Bestiarum Team



Scott Kirby

Did we get the MMF monthly discount code in the last (May) release?? Can't find it anywhere... Finishing up my YouTube series soon on the Burial Isle/Rise of Jailer scenarios, and looking to get a few more Forbidden Psalm packs, but can't find the latest discount code...

Dave Garbe

I'm just curious for those of us switching over to Tribes, how Loyalty will work?