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This Week's Completed Projects
This week, I finished the next Overwatch animation, Ana and Widowmaker Captures The Point. Though I said it shouldn't be difficult to do this in the last progress post, it was a bit more difficult creating a seamless shot than what I originally anticipated. Even with the cuts I made in the video, I still saw places in which the shot was not seamless. I will have to go back and reedit some of the shots, but the video is basically done. Now...originally I wanted to release this video next week based on the situation of the Net Neutrality bill, but it turns out that the decision for that won't be made until July17th. So, for now, I'm going to release it sometime in late September/ early October. Here are a few screenshots from the video.

This Week's Ongoing Projects
I started work on the first Dark Souls video on the channel featuring Solaire. Thus far, I worked on the scene showing Solaire...burning someone's eyes out and the main shot of the video. The only annoying thing I'm seeing from the video thus far is the fact that I have to deal with a lot of lag for the main scenes. I'm assuming it has to do with the fact that I'm using the Resident Evil 4 map props for the video which takes up the whole black void map I'm using. Other than that, I don't really have a lot to say right now about the video. For now, here are a few screenshots from the video.

This Week's New Ideas
From looking at my schedule, it appears that I can do another It Came From Social Media video soon. The problem is that I don't want to do another “It Came From Tumblr” video. I want to animate something else. If you have a suggestion on a social media post that could be animated, let me know in the comments down below.

It Came From Patreon Cancelled
Due to the lack of suggestions to do this, I will be canceling the It Came From Patreon video. I only received 3-4 suggestions and those suggestions won't be able to make a full video. However, I will still be holding the PUBG multiplayer stream on August 5th. 

Once again, thank you guys for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!



Didn't that Trump vs CNN gif controversy start on Twitter? Maybe you could animate something for that?


Will you still do the Pharah vid?


Going to start next week. Sometimes I seperate Patron commissions from these posts. I have not forgotten.


I tend to stay politically neutral when it comes stuff like that. It'll piss people off regardless of the side.


No problems here, I saw that you had a lot of planned animations already in the works👌 ty for the update


No worries, I understand. You should totally do one on my meme of you the other day then.