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This Week's Completed Projects
Originally, I thought I would be finished with the Attack on Titan parody, but I just gave up on the models. I'll explain more in the Ongoing projects section. Instead, I shifted focus onto a different project.

I realized that the Kitchen Gun commission I've been working on has the right length to be considered a weekly video. After asking for Fancy's permission, I decided to finish the commission and schedule it as a future upload. Not going to lie, this was a pretty fun project to work on. I loved how I twisted the video into something of demonic proportions. The only real problem I had with the project was the timing of the muzzle fire. There are times in which the muzzle fire didn't completely line up with the muzzle of the gun, so I spent some time fixing it. It was more tedious than annoying. With that said, expect the Kitchen gun video in a few weeks. Here are a few screenshots.

This Week's Ongoing Projects
I realllllllllyyyy tried to finish the Attack on Titan video this week, but these MMD models are too buggy and problematic to use. Originally, I thought I would only need to fix Eren's model. However, there were problems with Armin and Levi. Armin had eye problems and Levi's hair kept flickering  weird white stuff on on. Though Leet suggested that it may have been clipping related and did his best to fix it, it was still apparent. So, I decided that I will be scrapping all of the scenes involving Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Levi, in favor of the Wings of Freedom models that Ultimo ported for me. These models are higher detailed, don't have ambient or rigging issues, and have face bones for moving the mouth. The problem is that I have to create several lip presets for all of the characters. So it's going to take a while. Normally, I would show the progress I made with this video, but since I'm scrapping all of my work, I won't show it for this post.

To keep myself working on a new video, I decided that I will be working on the next original Overwatch video on the channel. Unlike my previous Overwatch video, this one is not too vulgar. Rather, it will focus on Widowmaker and Ana's relationship and will use 1 long shot to create an uncomfortable atmosphere. I started working on the first 15 seconds of the video, and I anticipate I'll finish the video by next week. With that said, here's a screenshot.

I also got the last lines I need for the “Solaire: The Cult Leader” video. The problem I'm currently having for this video is choosing the right setting. That was until someone ported the Resident Evil 4 village to SFM. I didn't make any significant progress on the video other than getting the placements down for the characters. I will be working on small scenes for the video while I focus most of my attention on the Overwatch video.This Week's New Ideas
The only idea I have this week is a possible Sega Hard Girls parody. One of my VA friends, GiantTabby, recommended that I check out the Sega Hard Girls anime. The moment I watched the first episode, I knew I had the right material to create a possible parody featuring the girls. However, I need to do some research to see if there are any Sega Hard Girls models.

And that's it! Thank you guys for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!


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