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Here we go!  This represents a pretty big departure for me, both content and delivery-wise. Thank all of you so much for helping me try stuff like this. 


Museum Theft

and you leave behind you a heroic trail of desolation Support me: https://www.patreon.com/JacobGeller Get a free trial of Audible AND a free audiobook by visiting https://AudibleTrial.com/JacobGeller Follow me: https://twitter.com/yacobg42 --------------------------------- Thanks to Laura Crone for script revisions: https://www.youtube.com/c/lauracrone Western Reactions to Benin Bronzes: https://youtu.be/rp8flCwvoAU Art of the Steal: On the Trail of World's Most Ingenious Thief : https://www.wired.com/2010/03/ff-masterthief-blanchard/ The Feather Heist (This American Life): https://www.thisamericanlife.org/654/the-feather-heist Secrets of the World’s Greatest Art Thief: https://www.gq.com/story/secrets-of-the-worlds-greatest-art-thief Nairaland Forum: https://www.nairaland.com/984559/walls-benin-mankinds-largest-ever Will The British Museum Ever Return These Stolen Artifacts?: https://www.history.com/news/british-museum-stolen-artifacts-nigeria Long in Exile, the Looted Benin Bronzes Tell the Story of a Mighty African Kingdom: https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-long-exile-looted-benin-bronzes-story-mighty-african-kingdom Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers (1993) Music Used: Beethoven: Symphony No.7 in A major op.92 - II Allegretto, Invisible Inc: Mission Select, Nier Automata: Forest Kingdom and Peaceful Sleep (Music Box), Roller Coaster Tycoon 2: Main Theme, Max Payne 3: FUTURE



Love learning things that SHOULD have been taught in history class. 👏👏👏 Great job as usual


really lovely video that is going to be heavy on my mind for a while (in a good way). i commented on the yt video already but in a more personal forum, i just wanted to say how much this made me think of the theft of the isabella stewart gardner museum and how i cried when i found out (when i was 7 probably?) that 11 priceless works of art that still havent been recovered were CUT out of their frames, and i would never be able to see the museum as intended because it happened before i was born (i live near boston and it was my favorite to visit.. i loved art museums as a lil kid ok). the selfish and personal loss that i felt then im reminded of now. anyways!!!! thank you so much for this video, i love your work (clearly). and uhh i enjoyed seeing your face and this change of format! ok thats all, hope you have a good day


I really love your work so far, and this video is particularly nice. You manage to create an existential feel to such great subjects ! However, I have to say that I support you precisely because I want you to remain ad-free and to avoid depending on any corporation. I cannot both support you and be sujected the ad in your video. This is just me, I do not encourage anyone to do the same: I just want to explain why I could stop my patreon. I would love to donate more, should you ask, instead of calling upon advertisement.


I too immediately imagined The Wrong Trousers upon hearing of the heist...so birds of a feather I guess(yes, pun intended)?


Hey, I'm sorry to hear that Fabien. This advertisement thing is kind of an experiment- I work full time as well as making these videos, so I've been looking for ways to give myself some more financial wiggle room to do things. The ad could very possibly be a one-time thing. It's based off commission, so I truly have no idea if it'll get me anything back. If it puts your mind at ease, I would never compromise a script to be more "advertiser friendly." But I understand the move on your part, and appreciate the support you've already provided.


When I was a kid I heard about all this amazing amazing stuff in the British Museum, but that it had been taken without much consent from the peoples that made them. I asked my aunt why they didn't just return all of them, and she explained that if they did that, then there would be nothing in the British Museum.


Question: have you considered putting your videos on Nebula? I've been reading threads about creators having their content taken down worldwide for copyright strikes by YouTube, and I think you contributing your videos would help the site reach a critical mass of high-quality content such that it can compete with YouTube.


I discovered your channel with your Shadow of the Colossus video, and I haven't been so excited about finding a new creator in some time. You say that this video is a big departure for you, but I disagree. Like all your videos, it's a man talking passionately about something he finds wildly interesting. At the point after about 4 minutes, when you mention the gold flute, you could have ended there and I would have felt that I watched a great video. The fact that you kept going, bring in other thefts and digging deeper into the first one and tying them all together was frankly amazing, Every bit of this video shows your love for the topic, and so long as you hold onto that, I don't think you need to worry about "experimenting."