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Hello everyone, don't panic.

As the tittle say, these are heavy days, the electricity was gone for almost two days and my modem was blown up by a thunder, now I'm without internet until the new modem gets delivered the next week, right now I'm using my phone and $1.50usd on data because was what I have in hand, I can't take more from my account without internet, there are not banks in my town...

Anyway, the next build is still in development, I'm going to download the music and start working on that until the new modem arrive. I haven't choose the sfx for elements in the game like ambient, actions, etc., but I will wait until the internet is fix, is not a good idea check a bunch of audio files while using data from my phone.

Here are the songs that we choose for the main characters. The themes that involve Rei are mainly piano, I think it fits them because they have a kind and modest personality. For Evangeline I choose Lo-Fi, I think because she has a calm, eccentric and some times playful personality, it fits well with her. 

Evan daily:

Flourish by Purrple Cat

This song is for daily dialogue, when the player talk with Evangeline after school or in the gaming store. For me this theme sounds like her... if that makes sense.

Evan events 1:

Star Bright by Purrple Cat

For those events where Evangeline is being herself along with Rei.

Evan events 2:

Storm Clouds by Purrple Cat

There are moments where Evangeline need to stop and think about her life, Rei and her career, for those moments, this song is how Evangeline's head sounds while thinking.

Evan events 3:

Crescent Moon by Purrple Cat

Hard moments of reflection and sadness, this theme is for that, I don't want something really sad or completely bright, bittersweet is what Evangeline worst moments sound like, and I think this should work.

Rei daily:

Life Blossom by Keys of Moon

Waking up, preparing for school and walking around town, this is the main theme for Rei and we can even say, is the main theme of the game. I hope is not annoying to listen everyday, I also can look for other theme and alternate both.

Rei events 1:

a promise by Keys of Moon

Some times Rei also can get emotional and open to Evangeline or other characters. Even if this theme is just gonna be used a couple of times in the current state of the game, for future content and moments.

Rei events 2:

Ozone by Keys
of Moon

Rei is not perfect and can't be right all the time, this theme for when our main character lost temper, probably in some bad or tense moment, bittersweet and melancholic...

Tell us your opinion about the themes that we choose for the game, I'm open to suggestions and changes that sound viable and reasonable. This week without internet I'm going to work on creating loops for the music and testing the game with them, checking that the volume is correct, everything works fine, etc.

I'm going to work with what I have in hand and try to get internet one way or another. Until next time, I'm going to check your comments from time to time until my internet gets fixed, take care~


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