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Working on:

Currently I'm searching for copyright free music, my plan is give every character a different type of music, Lo-fi for Evangeline, acoustic guitar for Aran (Crossdress twin), electric bass for Aria (Tomboy twin) and keyboard piano for Rei, just as an example.

A side of that, a month ago I consult and pay for a graphic designer, it show me a lot of examples for GUI and the HUD for the game, also some backgrounds among other elements. This next update is going to be focus in those aspects, I hope gets done in time, if I have more free time, I will improve more aspects of the game.

Also I'm going to do some polls for the music selection.

Road to v1.0:

  • Improve ero mechanics. < Done.
  • Improve GUI, add music and sfx (optional). < We are here.
  • Improve dating mechanics.
  • Add more events and common dialogues.
  • Write endings.
  • Last improvement of all the elements in the game.
  • Last revision and English translation fix.

Things that are going to be added when the game is finish, will have their own schedule, of course we are talking about the Twins, after v1.0 is completed, we will start the Road to v2.0. We hope that in the next four to six months, v1.0 will be completed.



Most free places just require that you give the artist credit. In the about section would work fine. Some audiophile would likely offer better help but here are two sites I use from time to time https://freemusicarchive.org https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCIuIQbwSe5HE47SmmXdocJw/music


I'm looking at that, in the site where I'm choosing music: Chosic (https://www.chosic.com) gives an information box to just copy and paste it in the credits of the game, with all the links and attributions, we have already some songs in consideration, Thanks for the suggestion and information anyway~ What is really giving me some struggle is find places where download sound effects and ambient noises, just for like an example, after Rei go home, stop the music and just have night city background noise or the ero scene with background noise and a clock sound, etc. I have found some sites for sound effects but I'm still searching for more options~


Ambient noises https://freesound.org/search/?q=night https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/search/night/