Shapeshifter Project WIP13 (Patreon)
At this point, I'm only gonna show a few screenshots to avoid spoiling the content as we progress through the project.
What is finished?
- Coloring (Characters, Objects)
What are we currently doing?
- Special Effects (Liquids, Smoke Effects, Magic, etc.)
- Lip Sync
- Music (45%)
- Backgrounds (Discussed below)
What's next?
- Post-processing effects
- Sound Design
Good News and Bad News. I'll try to keep it concise.
Bad News is the Backgrounds (BG) progress has taken a big hit due to a sudden problem outside of my control. I can't get into too much detail but this means that 85% of the BG needs to be redone. I'll hire more BG artists to help. Hopefully, this won't affect the delayed end of February schedule.
Good News is the other areas are in steady progress. I'm finally done coloring the characters so now I could focus on a few special effects and liquids animation which shouldn't take too long. Same with lip sync.