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What are we currently doing?

  • Coloring (70%)
  • Backgrounds (75%)
  • Music (Drafts stage)

What's next?

  • Lip Sync
  • Special Effects

I added some sample shots of the backgrounds being tested with art but there's some stuff still missing for now like a few props, shadows and post-processing. Will work on that after the coloring!

I don't think it's possible to finish it this year. It's very tempting to rush it at this point but I don't want to sacrifice the quality.  Like I said in the previous post, the worst-case scenario is a late February release.

Health is slowly getting better but I'm still limiting my work time to avoid another burnout. Again, no monthly charges until the animation is released!




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Take ya time

The Jonizuka

Damn that's some sexy as fuck animation right there😍😍😍

Von Trapp Family Singer

Take all the time you need. And I for one would still love to be able to throw you money even on the months when you are just doing WIP stuff, so let us know if we can do that in some way!


So glad to hear you're slowly feeling better!!! Looking back on this, you will be much happier knowing that you slowed down to heal AND give this hot animation all the love you wanted. (especially the prince *cough*)


Well done!


Gahhh! I love the horn grabbing! Take your time, your health comes first, and we will eagerly await the finished product ❤


Looking great Derpi! You always produce high-quality work, and it’s easy to tell even in the WIPs how much effort you have put in. Do whatever you need to stay healthy. I would be happy to keep paying if you need more time. It pays off in the end.



Terrence S

You do you, you beautiful soul. We’ll be here.


Thanks and get well!


Honestly I do not care if you continued the charges since your work is worth it. Do take care of yourself & go at any pace you feel comfortable with mate.


Ya its a bummer that this wont be coming out this year, but i would rather wait and have an amazing animation and having one of my favorite animators not get sick because of overwork. So take your time and get better derpi, always looking forward to your work


take your time, it looks lovely and I cant wait to see it!


Focus on your health. We can wait.


Man, the monthly charge(for me) is a dollar, charge that shit my dude


Don't rush foreplay


I don't mind the wait, Take your time and enjoy some wilkins coffee.

Sabrina Cavender

TAKE YOUR TIME. Work on your health! We love your work, but don't let us horny viewers keep you from getting paid because you haven't felt well.


Take your time bro, we love your art and vision! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Adikus Sanchez

Do take care of yourself Derpi, you’re health should be taking priority. Thank you for having us on your mind though, get well!


Awesome to see you prioritizing your health.


Burnout is a terrible thing get healthy and refreshed we’ll be here when you’re ready.


Recently joined your Patreon. Great work on your projects and vids. Can’t wait to see more.


Make sure to give yourself an awesome rest on holidays, Derps. The stronger and relaxed you are the better your project will be ♥


Not charging until the animations is released is very honorable, but I don't think you needed to that far. We all eagerly await your work and can wait a few extra months. Keep it up

Jojo Star

omg we're amost there :L


I really like the design and the art style, but as the rest of the comments say, no need to rush it. Take your time so it looks even better.