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For additional clarity:


I said "MORE realistic". Not "realistic". I'm not going for absolute realism where I'm simulating blood pressure or what not.

I chose the wording of "more realistic" because I thought the word "smaller" would get people even more riled up or scared that I'm going into 1cm-2cm territory.

To be clear, "more realistic" means a "shrinking them TOWARDS realism" or "a bit smaller".

Comparison Shots.

In the comparison shots, all characters and everything about them has is either completely unposed or posed just to enough to make the angles from which the shots are taken more clear.

The characters are in their starting A-Pose, the way they're loaded.

Their genitals are straight on not to signify an erection, it's just how they're loaded in.

The genitals angled downwards is to show the length better from the front and to allow you to compare the size relative to the thighs and legs of the characters.



I have an idea. It feels like a cheating, but maybe you can use 2 different scales of genital part. Like, use the usual huge size model in all other scenes, and use slightly scaled down model only in the scenes where oral activity can look painful if the original scale is used (this way people will not easily find out that the models are somewhat cheating).


I don't want to put words into SloPs mouth but I don't think he'd go for that approach. It's certainly a good idea and not a bad thing to consider but SloPs work focuses on quality and part of that comes with consistency and using different cock models etc will interrupt that consistency part of the works Whilst to us it may not matter and some will only notice the change in size from scene to scene where a different model was used, I think using two models like that is likely not what SloP wants to do. Best to find a good balance of the sizes that he is adjusting currently and from there, everything will fall into place (or holes :)). SloP already adjusts cock sizes based on arousal state and the WIPs showing the new sizes seem a much better version of the cocks and easier to work with for him