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Robert D.

To be honest they all look great as is. If you were looking to size anyone down it could be Claudia and Amaya but I don’t think you would need to adjust any of the other girls in my opinion.


Well, here's a topic that makes me raise my head above the trench-lines of the world wide web. I agree with "FastWinstonDoom" who left a comment in the previous post. FWD said that these are imaginary creatures and whatever fits visually within the image is fine. However, if such creatures could actually exist they would need a heart the size of horse to pump up a dong that size. They'd have the physique of a Claudia Broughton, if not larger. A big body with a lot of blood, so as not to pass out on getting an erection. They would also have to have a reasonable gap between their inner thighs, otherwise walking or running could be painful. Who knows, maybe they can retract their gonads at will. As for what could possibly be fitted into the mouth. Tasmanian devils ( Think Taz in Looney Tunes ) have loose jaw ligaments which allow them to swallow prey as large as themselves. If you need to swallow something really fast Nature will eventually develop the musculature to do it. But as Miss Piggie warned, "Don't swallow anything larger than your head." David.


Hi David. Obviously you put in a lot of effort into this message so I feel a little shitty about this, but I'm a little confused to be honest. I can't find the comment by FWD, talking about imaginary creatures. Nor do I see how cartoon characters or animals like the Tasmanian Devil have much to do with what we're discussing. Can you help me understand what you meant?


If more realism is the aim (?), the thing that strikes me as most unrealistic here is not size as such but the fact the dicks are just as long when 'soft' as when erect. Also, they are always ramrod straight and exactly horizontal when hard. Not complaining, just observing. I do understand the practical issue with portraying oral with giant cocks: perhaps Nina needs surgery to allow them to dislocate their jaw!


.... I guess it's on my word choices that there's this level of misunderstanding amongst everybody. "More Realistic" isn't "Realistic". It's going into a more realistic direction regarding their genital sizes. I'm gonna assume the "ramrod straight" thing is about the examples above and not what they look like in finished works? Them being ramrod straight is just because I didn't pose them because this is just a comparison between the sizes. Obviously, when I would make a proper render they would be posed properly and bent. They're straight in these comparison shots to convey their size and length without any posing. The shots of their penises aimed downwards isn't meant to be "flaccid" it's just another example shot of how long their genitals are. Angled down to their feet, it's easier to view from the front and compare their lengths to their legs.