[WIP] Beach Set Finished • Linde x Daria Hiking Progress • Changes to Discord Server (03-07-2023) (Patreon)
• Beach Set Finished
Finished the edits for the Beach set. There's 54 renders and it'll be released in a few weeks after the Goddess stuff is released.
• Linde x Daria Hiking Progress
Couple of more hiking shots now, to show time progressing before they get to the tent. Don't want to spend TOO many renders on them just walking though.
• Discord Changes
I haven't 100% decided on if I want to open it up to everybody yet, but I have started to make changes to improve the server a bit.
Starting with a real-time feed of what I'm working on currently. I will post WIP's whenever I have something to show in that channel.
I've also started cleaning up the server a bit, getting rid of dead channels and re-wording things on there. I'm still looking into more ideas and on which platforms to further diversify.