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• Twin Goddesses Updated

Completely reworked Yuvenna and Yuvenni's faces. I landed on something that I think isn't toooooo bad? They're ready for content to be made with them.

I'm also considering letting y'all come up with one God/Goddess. Leave me a description of what they're a God of and what they look like if you want.

• TLOU 2 Edit/Render Progress

Renders are at the final set up. Edits are being worked on.




OMG TLOU!! The renders are looking hot, I can’t wait! Also the Twin Goddesses are cute😳🥰

David Barger

TLOU is looking fantastic and the twin goddesses look adorable!

Robert D.

Maybe you can do your own spin on Freya the Norse goddess of love, fertility, beauty and sex. Give her a different name and a Viking style appearance. Just a thought 👌🏼


Sorry. The idea is fine, but I have plans for a Goddess of love & fertility and motherly concepts already. I should've specified, also, that the goddess needs to fit the other gods who do have a more Greek quality about them and not a Norse. So sorry about the lack of communication there. I hate shooting down ideas like this, but I don't think a Norse god would fit between the other Greek-themed gods.

Dana Lauren

New to following you and this is a cool 'first' for me ... they look great, so pretty ... and btw, love the pubes on the third image, am such a fan of cock with pubes!

Robert D.

No no you’re right about that. I love Greek goddesses. Don’t have any ideas but am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


I'll look into Freya's depictions a bit more and see if I can come up with something. Any portrayal of Freya that you specifically like?

Jack Pinder

Blue Valentine, hard, tough and gritty. So much story going on. Lovers getting what they need. Another masterpiece.

Robert D.

Something along the lines of God of War Radnarok Freya. Not specifically her since everyone seems to be using her for their renders now. But that’s just an idea of her. Viking women are sexy with their tattoos and braids 👌🏼

Rikyla (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-14 05:29:34 I don't know if this is a bit too far out of what goddesses you are looking for and they slightly vary across the mythology in terms of how many but are often seeing as three goddesses so I'm thinking of using one of The Erinyes. A brief and general description of them: "THE ERINYES (Furies) were three goddesses of vengeance and retribution who punished men for crimes against the natural order. They were particularly concerned with homicide, unfilial conduct, offenses against the gods, and perjury. A victim seeking justice could call down the curse of the Erinys upon the criminal" This could play into the church that they are used to create fear of causing sin upon those that worship the church to ensure they follow th good path. For looks, black hair and similar body to Linde. Below, I found a decent art of them: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/53395034_10157115328973518_8516068022161506304_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=eqfD9WF1hMwAX-2V2lz&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AfAQIlT5KwE1TYCTxsMGhjfG8XO9y7XomDwELK9S2U7clQ&oe=64126E68 If this doesn't work, perhaps Hebe goddess of eternal youth.
2023-02-14 03:13:12 I don't know if this is a bit too far out of what goddesses you are looking for and they slightly vary across the mythology in terms of how many but are often seeing as three goddesses so I'm thinking of using one of The Erinyes. A brief and general description of them: "THE ERINYES (Furies) were three goddesses of vengeance and retribution who punished men for crimes against the natural order. They were particularly concerned with homicide, unfilial conduct, offenses against the gods, and perjury. A victim seeking justice could call down the curse of the Erinys upon the criminal" This could play into the church that they are used to create fear of causing sin upon those that worship the church to ensure they follow th good path. For looks, black hair and similar body to Linde. Below, I found a decent art of them: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/53395034_10157115328973518_8516068022161506304_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=eqfD9WF1hMwAX-2V2lz&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AfAQIlT5KwE1TYCTxsMGhjfG8XO9y7XomDwELK9S2U7clQ&oe=64126E68 If this doesn't work, perhaps Hebe goddess of eternal youth.

I don't know if this is a bit too far out of what goddesses you are looking for and they slightly vary across the mythology in terms of how many but are often seeing as three goddesses so I'm thinking of using one of The Erinyes. A brief and general description of them: "THE ERINYES (Furies) were three goddesses of vengeance and retribution who punished men for crimes against the natural order. They were particularly concerned with homicide, unfilial conduct, offenses against the gods, and perjury. A victim seeking justice could call down the curse of the Erinys upon the criminal" This could play into the church that they are used to create fear of causing sin upon those that worship the church to ensure they follow th good path. For looks, black hair and similar body to Linde. Below, I found a decent art of them: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/53395034_10157115328973518_8516068022161506304_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=eqfD9WF1hMwAX-2V2lz&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AfAQIlT5KwE1TYCTxsMGhjfG8XO9y7XomDwELK9S2U7clQ&oe=64126E68 If this doesn't work, perhaps Hebe goddess of eternal youth.


I like doing things differently from other people, I can imagine there will be a bunch of wholesome Valentine's Day content coming out, and I like a more grounded and darker story in general. Not to diminish more lighthearted stories, they're just not my cup of tea. Glad you liked it! 😊


Maybe a goddess of good fortune and prosperity. A shorter woman, maybe with a body similar to Helen. Personally I would also love seeing a character with a more hefty pair of balls, just for the extra money shot 🙂 The twins look sexy!


I didn't have a god concept for vengeance and retribution, but I reaaaalllyyy like that. Robert, in this comment section, mentioned Freya from God of War. Perhaps her face, with the body of your suggestion could work really well. A very dark god. Good call.


Noted! I have two shorter ones already, so I'm not too sure. But I have it noted, thanks!