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The Public Set downloads are the versions with text.




Really cool

Robert D.

This was so so good. Thankyou for making it. The colors and lighting was amazing. And your use of DOF was on point.


Thanks a lot. Lighting this piece was a bit more work. But I liked it a lot. I basically changed the lighting a bit, every time time progressed. Also. Little behind the scenes here. The room was originally just like a small living room, like with wood and all that.


Didn't think your renders could get better, yet here we are :D Also, that little story beat at the end is interesting, excited to see what comes next.

Dana Lauren

learning ... the style, the characters ... what to download, a crash course of sorts ... but good, very good ... certainly lingering on some images much longer than others


In your WIP posts I liked Hailey's outfit, now I've seen the hi-res pics I freeking LOVE her outfit!! ;-) Fi~Fi XXX


no captions like the one i saw on twitter?


The ones on Twitter have captions. If you want them without, they should be in the .zip's labelled "COMPLETE SET".