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Over the last couple of days I've experimented with different looks for Regina, which one do you like the most?

This vote is only for which look (Hair, Make-up, Style) you like the most.

Regina's personality is very arrogant and kind of mean.

Regina is being written as a criminal like a thief, small-time heister or gang member.

They ride a motorcycle.

Regina is intended to have a lot of encounters with the law, especially Daria.

A. Street Regina: Very fashionable-urban style. Hip clothes and make-up and somewhat mid-tier jewelry.

B. High-End Regina: A poor person's idea of what someone with wealth looks like. Sort of gaudy and flashy with their "expensive" clothes and jewelry. Very snobbish.

C. Waitress Regina: The most down to earth Regina of the selection. Lower class. When not on duty, they'd wear simple shirts and jeans.

D. Criminal Regina: Gang member styled. Clothes that scream urban confidence. Less hip than "street regina".

E. Bartender Regina: Rocker/Punk oriented style. Lots of leather.


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