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Over the last couple of days I've experimented with different looks for Regina, which one do you like the most?

This vote is only for which look (Hair, Make-up, Style) you like the most.

Regina's personality is very arrogant and kind of mean.

Regina is being written as a criminal like a thief, small-time heister or gang member.

They ride a motorcycle.

Regina is intended to have a lot of encounters with the law, especially Daria.

A. Street Regina: Very fashionable-urban style. Hip clothes and make-up and somewhat mid-tier jewelry.

B. High-End Regina: A poor person's idea of what someone with wealth looks like. Sort of gaudy and flashy with their "expensive" clothes and jewelry. Very snobbish.

C. Waitress Regina: The most down to earth Regina of the selection. Lower class. When not on duty, they'd wear simple shirts and jeans.

D. Criminal Regina: Gang member styled. Clothes that scream urban confidence. Less hip than "street regina".

E. Bartender Regina: Rocker/Punk oriented style. Lots of leather.



Hope criminal regina wins


Though I voted for “Criminal” Regina, there’s something about “Waitress” Regina that’s catching my eye. Maybe Regina does a waitressing as daytime job, then when nighttime hits her true colors show. Or perhaps, waitress Regina was the beginning, and something tragic happened for her to become a criminal?


I like Criminal the most, followed by Street and maybe Bartender, just for the leather. Looking at the votes and my own preferences, I'll probably end up mixing the three of them a bit for Regina's "default" look.


Potentially something to explore, yes. Whilst making the Waitress renders, I was thinking at the same time that this could kinda be the dayjob or to cover the criminal ways.

Jason Trent

I think I like Street Regina the most, though I prefer the High-End hair. That and Waitress hair. I love me a good ponytail


Street looks awesome, but waitress also has a nice quality to it.