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Me: "I won't make game fanart."
Me: Makes game fanart.

Me: "I'm gonna be gone next week. So, don't expect any updates next week."
Me: Keeps working and posts updates.

I'm a liar.

To be clear here, I won't do game fanarts often, it's not what I want to do, nor what I want people to expect of me. I just had inspiration and wanted to get this tlou stuff out there.




Go away & have rest & fun!


YOU CAN NOT GET RID OF ME. I am waking up a bit later this entire week. I am tired.


😂, Good to hear your taking it easy-er 🤗😘

Kurai Lee

I desperately need this now

Robert D.

Didn’t expect to hear from you this week but I’m glad I did. Hope yer photography gig went well.


I lied. I'm sorry. :o I will take it easier this week, I have still been crunching a lot the last two weeks, but I'm still making content and will keep y'all posted. :) The gig went well! Had a good time, but I think I came to the realization that I might be done doing photography as my main gig officially. Pre-corona it was my main gig, but since 'rona that well basically dried up. And I started doing this as my main gig, right. Bit heartbroken that photography didn't work out, but this is a nice gig too.

David Barger

This is amazing! :) glad to see some work from you even though you said you’d be gone lol ;)


I think next time we'll have to put you in the time out corner or ground you! Only way we can stop you from working as hard as you do. Just from your other comments, I'm sorry that the photography didn't work out as the main gig but good to hear you have a good time this week. Love the WIPs. I'm probably in the minority here, but I low key sorta want Abby and Ellie to make up in Part 3 and be a team. Whether they be friends or just together for a common goal, I'd like either. I mention this because I love seeing works with them being more embracing/loving to each other like you show here in the WIPs. Have a lovely day!


yes tie me up plz ♥ I just want Ellie to be happy and Abby is just physically someone I'm super attracted to.