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• Office Set

General progress on office set.

• New Character Input

I'm at a place where I think the new character has a solid foundation for y'all to give me feedback on and give me your opinions on.  They're giving me a little bit of Michelle Pfeiffer vibes.   So if you have feedback, things you'd like to see or changed for the new character, let me know, I'll take it into consideration.

• Gone Next Week

As you know, I'm going to be away for the next couple of days. I'm shooting photo's at an event and I need to edit them over the next couple of days too.

So there won't be any WIPS or anything like that for the coming days.
I'm still rendering the Worked Out Part III set. I'm at 90 out of 150.

The coming days I'll be non-stop rendering so a lot of progress will be made there, but I can't promise a release date for that one yet. Mind, they still need to be edited too.

So I wish y'all a great weekend and a great next week!




Im liking the new character. I say Regina….White. Her good trait could be she secretly wants to be loved since she is a mean girl. Also she can be a Dom in the bedroom preferring her partners to please her since she is self centered.

David Barger

Hell yeah good stuff don’t work yourself to hard ! :)

Robert D.

Gonna miss you next week. I look forward to your posts each day in my email inbox each morn. What kinda camera do you have? My gf went through a phase where she wanted to be a photographer so we went out and got her a new SLR and she never ended up using it 🙈


New character looks great!!! I love how long the peen looks on her more thin body than some others. You’ve got thick girls with thick peens, a longer looking peen might be interesting to mix things up. Maybe longer looking and a little thinner / average than the rest. Wonder how she’d look with glasses too! Just throwing some stuff out there. Face is perfect, I wouldnt change a thing as well as her body.


Name’s I’m terrible with, Shelby? Cynthia? Someone mentioned Regina, I like.


also even the pubic hair is cute. Maybe have her trim it into a little heart shape or star.


White, huh. Has nothing to do with your name, right? 😉 I'll make a list of names and add this one. Thanks for the input! They definitely need some changes, their face is too skeletal, but the body is pretty close, I'd say.


Thanks! I will continue to ignore your pleads for me to slow down! 🙃🙂🙃🙂


Aww. That's actually really nice of you to say. ❤ Thank you! I'm in the canon system, I used an older (then professional) 7D mk2, but I recently got an R7 system camera. Cameras get outdated really quickly, tech-wise.


Glasses is an interesting point. I'll try some out. Face needs some... un-skeletonization. Their face is a bit sunken in right now. I'll add those names to the list! Thanks!


New character is looking really sexy. To me, she looks like a Sam.


Seems to me the new character's chest doesn't look quite right, whether futa or femboy, almost flattened against a surface. I like the face. As for name, I'll offer Lotte Lyons.


Yeah, I'm still working on their entire thing. You're right their pecs are a bit flat looking. Name has been noted! Thanks!