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So the computer parts are coming in tonight, but I'm rendering then.
Also, some fans weren't able to be delivered today at all, so they're coming tomorrow. Meaning, tomorrow I won't be able to work as long.

Shame, I was hoping to get it all done today.

So this morning, I thought: "The parts are coming in today, so I'll just work on some characters. Then it should come in and I can open the rig up, etc."

But the parts are coming tonight and tomorrow, so I guess I'll have to do all of that tomorrow. That's why there isn't a big WIP with any office progress. :/

• New Character
Working on an androgynous character. Still very early but the idea is that they're more of an antagonistic character. Bit of a bully. But I want them to be so beautiful that you kinda don't mind?

BUT I also don't want to upstage Nina. So there's some limitations to the creation of this character.

That said, if you have any ideas or requests, let me know!



David Barger

I love the idea love it :)


Looks good. Thats a nice lengthy peen too.