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• Ellie and Abigail from TLOU2:

Not sure what I want to do with them yet, I don't really want to just do fanart of games, but they kept occupying my mind so I had to do something with them. They will probably make some cameo's in the future.

• Office set:

General progress on the Office set, it's over 125 renders deep now, including exclusive renders, and I fear that I might be getting burned out on it already. I'll keep going, but I definitely feel the fatigue setting in.

• Computer update:

My rig keeps blue-screening due to the heatwave, so I ordered some extra fans that'll come in tomorrow. This means that I'll have less time to work on things tomorrow, since I've gotta open the rig up and install it all. So expect a little less tomorrow.

• Not working next week:

So, I've got a photography gig this weekend. Some people might know that I used to be a professional photographer, but since Covid I basically did this full-time. This weekend there's an event that I got the opportunity to take some pictures at and it seemed like a good time.

This means that I won't be able to work on this stuff next week. The entire week.

I've known this for a while, so I've been crunching and doing overtime the last two and a half weeks. Including weekends.

So expect radio silence next week whilst I work on my photography stuff.




Take care my kinky friend, don’t overdo stuff, I certainly don’t expect a post EVERY DAY! 🤗HUGGLES 🥰🫦


Ellie and Abby look great. Sprinkling them in as cameos is a great idea like Ellie in the milking set.

David Barger

Love love the abby and Ellie models! Also have fun with your photography stuff! :)


Right. That's actually an example of what I don't want to do again. The milking set had really nothing to do with Ellie from TLOU. If they're gonna make cameo's, I think it needs to kind of link up with themes or environments from that game. Like.. if I do a post-apocalypse theme, Ellie and Abby could show up. Or another gym set, Abby could be there. I don't want to just willy-nilly throw game characters in at random. Glad you like how they turned out :) Still tweaking them in small ways but their bodies are a pretty close match, I think.


Love how vulnerable Mia is looking as the set progresses in that scene. I do like how you are putting your own touch on the two characters as opposed to keeping the stock models. Also, I never realised how small Ellies frame actually is. Regarding how to use them: I completely understand the reluctance of just doing fan art of the game. I do think tlou is perhaps a bit different to other games in the sense of how frequently we talk about it (you are probably sick of it when you see us discussing it yet again in discord :D) I would take the characters and adapt them to how you use your main cast. How you focus a lot on the atmospheric/cinematic approach to your sets. The ones you thoroughly enjoy making. These characters are pretty ideal for post apocalyptical settings/monster settings. Whilst it's very very veeeeeery similar, a I am Legend setting could work well. Both in an empty city savaging/bump into each other. Or the way finds the camp of the other. If wanted to delve a bit more into monster sets, that could work in unison. They could also be used to pair with main cast when trying out new rendering processes/new lighting techniques Like, a new sweat process you worked on in a few months and could use Amaya/Abby to show that off and so on. I definitely agree on not simply using them as cameos. Also, awesome news on the photography. Glad some opportunity came up to get back into it. Obviously we won't be able to see for real life privacy but I'm sure you'll take some banger pictures. Your work tells me a lot about how you picture scenes so I would guess that translates from being a photographer. Hope it all goes well and you have a nice week <3

Jason Trent

You've given Helen a fantastic butt!


would love to see abby dominated


I was a little bit forced, the base models are fine but they're not up to my standards. I'd rather spend some time re-making them to my liking and getting as close as possible than working with weirdly rigged models. I could try doing Dina again in the future, too. I tried their model for the milking set and their rigging was really bad. A monster set would be a good fit for one of them to make a cameo. It's sort of like I did Meredith for the Cyberpunk restroom set. It fits. It's not out of place. Ellie in the milking set felt really out of place and random, I didn't like that.