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OOOOKKAAAAYYY I've been asked for this video SO MUCH and it's finally time to let ya'll in on the secrets.

No templates here because I'm encouraging ya'll to make this your own! So grab a notebook, grab a giant cup of coffee/tea/wine and let's start planning ways for you to uplevel your client communication and pre-care so you can have a kick ass client experience!

with love, 

m xx


Patreon Exclusive: Pre Session Client Care & Communication


Carrie Hill Creative

Do you do a full edit of all the images while they're at lunch, or do you show SOOC and your client selects the image they want fully edited? What does that process look like during the time that the client is at lunch?

Misty Moss

They are colour toned in what I call a "base tone" - but no other edits. The ones they pick for editing I hand retouch and tweak for final colours!

Dezarae Owen

How do you hint about the tip for the HMUA? I love this idea but don’t want to sound pushy.

Misty Moss

its in the day before session email reminder. i have tips for how to arrive (baggy clothes, clean moisturized face etc) and then I also mention that *if they can* to bring a small tip for our hair and makeup artist because it makes her happy dance! i make it sound cute so it doesnt come across as pushy