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We only have two comments on this months AMA so I'm extending it until tomorrow morning (9AM PST) for you to go run over to the AMA post and comment anything you want to pick my brain about! Anything you're struggling with in your biz - comment it there!


Ria MacKenzie

I’m copying and pasting in the right spot!! But I’m glad you sent this reminder!!!

Steve Gibson

Hey Misty, love your energy and style! And this is a bit wild - Amanda and I binged watched your YouTube stuff on the big TV on the sofa last night instead of watching a film!!! It was that good! And so now we are here joining you on Patreon!! Hope it's not too late to ask a couple of questions?... 1. Painterly Masterclass? You mentioned in your Florence video a Painterly Masterclass - but couldn't find it - has it been merged into another course? 2. Pricing? We are experienced photographers / stylists - good at client connection & creating photos that clients love (when I did my one and only wedding they were so chuffed I ended up doing it again and again for all the bridesmaids!! - but I earnt less than minimum wage!!) Since losing my £2.5m business that I built from scratch (a digital design business) I’ve been really, really rubbish at the money/business side. I’m restarting with my number one passion which is creating art! In the UK there’s a chain called Venture and they lure clients in with a low session fee and then hard, hard sell - not our thing at all. Amanda experienced it with her family and it left her with a bad taste. My intention is to rebuild my sense of self worth, build a quality brand & go full time asap - so pricing very important :-) Biggest challenge right now is having a price model that I believe in, otherwise I end up giving too much for free. Could be so good as eo share your pricing and package model (I know everyone is different) but right I just neeed somewhere to start (If I had the cash I’d sign up for your full course) Much Thanks Steve & Amanda x PS We heard you mention (May AMA) to an 1hr long money video in the Marketing, Money & Mindset collection but can't see the video)

Misty Moss

Hi Steve welcome! I already filmed the AMA for this month but I will answer your questions here! I will also be posting links to the old content that isn't being shown for people right now, so that you can access it directly via youtube while Patreon sorts out this glitch. - Painterly Posing is now Beyond Posing! It evolved into a new course and got expanded on :) I realized that what I was teaching in Painterly Posing wasn't the full holistic approach I take with my own clients, so I created a more indepth course that focuses on client care as a part of the whole experience, because posing doesn't start without making sure our clients feel safe and seen!