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Hello my loves,

It seems Patreon is experiencing some technical difficulties that I am unable to resolve. If you are unable to see the old content please comment here.

You will need to reach out to Patreon support to get the content back, but in the meantime if there are videos you want me to send you manually please don't hesitate to reach out!


Misty Moss

Unfortunately I don't think I can fix anything from my side - I dont have much control! Support has told me that anyone who can't see old content needs to reach out to them so they can help resolve it https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=12863836871949 Because you SHOULD be able to see stuff, it's set to all paid members being able to view, there's just a technical glitch going on that I can't fix! Sorry for the hiccups!

Sarah J. Slover

Maybe they fixed it, but I’m seeing back to April 2021!

Steve Gibson

My feed is not showing a lot of the posts mentioned in other posts eg Work smarter not harder workshop, Pricing for success, Dark & Moody Editing Tutorial, Renaissance Inspired Composite Editing Tutorial, How to Pose Hands, Planning for 6 Figures - Pricing Planning, Talking Bodies + Posing, How to shoot in small spaces etc Have reported issue to Patreon.

Misty Moss

They have emailed me back saying it is an issue on their end and they have to fix it somehow. I'm sending a list of people for them to issue refunds for this month! If I refund you all directly it cancels you and boots you out, so they need to initiate it. So sorry for the tech issues!

Susanna Fiona Murray

However I am only able to see very few posts and not all of the ones I saw before. For example, I don't see any of the 9 Posing and Lighting posts, as well as the 25 that should be in the Self portrait series, and so on. I reported it on Patreon but so far I haven't seen anything.

Steve Gibson

Hey Misty thanks - but no need for refund if this effects your income - the links are absolutely fine :-)