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Here are the designs options for Susan! I tried to go for variety in bodytypes and general feels of the character. I had a lot of fun coming up with these.

I will set up a vote for the 5$ patrons sometime in the next 24h.

Let me know what you think about these designs!


I made this post free for everybody to see after all. I honestly have not thought this through when I said that the designs will be exclusive to 1$ patrons or up. I HATE putting finished content behind a paywall. I want everybody to see any finished piece I make and these are polished enough to show off. It's not the kind of business I want to run.

There will still be exclusive design sketches in the future, but it's going to be mostly location designs, color tests, prop designs etc.. But the vote options will be free for everybody to see. 

Sorry for the change. This whole system is a work in progress. 




I only regret you can't use all of them!


Really like A and B. Damn it is hard to pick a favorite


I love all three! You're great at capturing personality and sexuality in a single panel Incase, you remain my fave artist! ♡


If you're looking for criticism on them before time to vote, all I can offer is that B could use a touch more "personality", unless vanilla/normal is supposed to be her type ofc


I like all of them! Hopefully the ones that don't win will pop up elsewhere!


I love C's expression. A is great, too.

Kenneth Winkelman

I lust for them all, but C: just screams "Hi I'm Susan. Your evening is about to horribly awry, but you're going to love every minute of it". So I vote C, for Susan. :D


We aren't voting yet are we??


I feel like going for the classy A Susan with classy B Billy already so high in the votes would be a bit much. That sounds like a power struggle ready to happen . Sounds hot but I don't feel like that is where the story will be going. Option C looks great, getting a bit of a Texas vibe from her. I am reading too much into this. Sorry for bad english from germany.


I like A and B the best. If I remember, the girlfriend is supposed to be coaxed into enjoying this, right? A seems kind of tsundere which could be hot. Bitchy and aloof like Vera. I love the body and hair color on B, and she seems like she'd easily start out kind of vanilla and get real raunchy when things get moving.

Tyler Leto

Sultry businesswoman Susan A is probably gonna be real popular. But my boner goes for motherly Susan B.

Tanoko Triumph

i love the curvy B version but also like A version aswell the whole office lady look shes got is sexy to me. so im torn between A & B.


Well, if we're going with "elegant trap" as a match I gotta say A is PERFECT. B and C are the types i could see walking in on the other two traps as they're up to hijinks.

Joshua Wolfe

Yeah, I concur. The story is about a couple spicing up their sex life. I don't see A having any complaints in that department. B seems like the better choice. A kind housewife who doesn't seem to into it, but turns out to be a freak in the sheets. (Yeah, I like classy Billy)


I think B would be the perfect fit to that cute trap. A little bit cubby and very busty, yum. She would be the perfect mon with a load of hidden desires she wants to live out.

Mark Piper

If Billy (B) is the trap, I want Susan (C) to be chosen for the matching short blonde hair and blue eyes. I want her to feel jealous that her husband's replacing her with a young, slender trap version of herself >:D


B for Susan, she's just amazing! <3




I would vote B, but if it was possible with the head of C.


B all the way


I like "C"


My Vote is for A


I have to go with B for this one.


definitely B


I vote A, because this looks like a very sexually charged, slightly predatory older woman with desires and dominance. Hopefully the husband can be a man who would be able to handle such a woman.


B oh yes B.


A (please, Pantyhose characters are the best)


Oh gosh!!! If you want us to choose, at least draw one ugly !! :)


B! Need a girl that isn't so skinny.

Austin Hicks

B... She strikes me as the one of the three that might enjoy it but be a little bit wierd about bringing someone into the bedroom.... Shy yet hungry


I vote for A


B looks like she would be more into a little kink.





Devin Dickie

B was a great choice