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First vote is live here. You can only see that post if you pledged 5$ or up.

Since this patreon is so new and there are not a lot (of any) people pledging I'll keep this post free for everybody to see. You can use it to let me know what you think about Billy's possible looks!

In the future character designs like these will be availible only to people who pledged 1$ or up. I'll post some of them as promos on twitter and my other websites, but most of them will remain exclusive to patrons. 

I'll try to have the Susan character design vote up somewhere within the next two weeks. 



Void Nosferatu

you are the best, would like you to be the first person i patron, don't no why it's not working :( crazy to see your comics.


I love them all! But I think I'm more partial to B and C. A looks very "sweet and cute," but I think B and C are a bit more unique design-wise -they just seem to be a bit more dynamic and have a bit more exaggeration, whereas design A seems very evenly balanced everywhere and a bit less dynamic. Not sure if I'm explaining it well? But A is still cute. I'm really excited for this new Patreon page! My financial situation this month sucks because my job had to shut down for 2 weeks due to bad weather (April snowstorms, ugh,) so hopefully I'll be ready to become a Patron of this page next month!


I love C. Can't understand why that one has half the votes of the other two.


I hope its B


Redhead boy on C is best for me ;]


i prefer C myself...but since A has more of a chance, that's where i put my vote. mind you, if i had my druthers, the comic would be about C teaching A how to crossdress ^_^


sadly, C is getting the fewest votes. that's one of the problems with election by popular opinion...a sizable portion of the population winds up getting the shaft.


the solution of course is to have the follow up comic involve the two "losing" traps having fun ^_^


I think people aren't voting for C because it's initially hidden, and you have to hit "load more comments" for it to appear.


heh. comments are saying one thing, actual votes are otherwise.


I don't think that's the case, since everybody can see the image with all 3 options. It's not like the option is hidden from people. But I'll check for that anyway. I added two comments saying [press load more comments to see the options]. Now you have to load more comments to see any options. I'll see if there will be a significant difference in vote distribution going forwards.


Oh yeah, those designs are not going away. I am def gonna use them in other votes in the future.


i have to vote for c on this one


I hesitated between A and B. I'm not too big a fan on piercings myself, so C fell of. It ended up being a decision between someone who'd be very submissive, and someone who'd be more eagerly depraved. Ended up going with B.


A or B


I vote "C


Gotta be A


I vote B


I vote B


I vote for "C", simply because he looks amazing, and having the combined level of rebellious confidence, yet hidden desire for authority figures (or simply for a sugar-daddy/momma) in his life, and I love the punk themes an beautiful tattoo work. 'B' just seems too devoid of character in my mind, just bimbo-ish air headed and a wasp waist, like he was just manufactured for sex rather than having an interesting background to go with it. 'A' just looks adorable, and hits me where my predatory and paternal thoughts meet. Definitely closet CD, or possibly struggling transgender still in hiding, trying to express a heavily repressed sexuality that's led him to the events of the comic. I would not be sore if I lost out to A.

Austin Hicks

I am caught between B & C.... With more preferance towards C..... Perhaps some combination of the two? With the punk aspect being dominant....


I like to vote for A I Iike the CD aspect of the design.




I vote C
