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Hey guys,

Boy. Last week was an appalling week for me. I had lot's of IRL stuff going on along with being needed to work extra hours in my full-time job. This along with converting Unchaste - Chapter One into a Visual Novel really set me back. 

I apologise for being a little bit slow with this one. Works chilled out, so I should be back to having more time to work on this when I get home. 

Seen as though it's literally a day before the 1st of December I've decided to release this to the Admirer Tier too. Next update should be a week from now and that will be available to Enthusiast tier as soon as it's ready. 

Who's ready to see Priya get Intoxicated!? ;) 



FYI: For those interested in VN conversion, next part will be out before Friday. 100%.

Thank you for your on-going support!



Vladimir Smirnoff

Nice! I have suggestion for VN. Separate dialogs and thoughts by text type or color.


Is the open and closed bracket not clear enough? I'll take a look into this thanks, dude!