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I want to hear what you, my generous supporters, want to see from my custom renders. Whatever ideas you have, whatever you want to see, put it down in the comments and I'm going to pluck something from there to make a custom renders. 

To help you guys narrow it down;

1. Pick a character from my works.

2. Pick a theme. (Example: Super Hero, Lingerie, Gamer Girl)

That's pretty much all I need to make something interesting, but you can be more specific if you want.

Girls cannot be naked if they haven't yet been naked in any of my current works. There are a lot of flavors I don't touch on, like scat, futa, anal. I'm not going to go through all of them but basically if you haven't seen it in my works, I probably won't feature it in my custom renders.

This experiment is to help me understand better what you guys want from custom renders. Let me know what you prefer. Thanks for your support!



I miss Penny, so did you ever try a "Furry" Penny ?

Face Crap

Rose, no doubt about it. She's got the least amount of attention overall, and her feral side coming out in OtM is a perfect way to let her shine in something even wilder and kinkier for a custom render. How? I'll leave that up to you're own imagination, just go wild 😁