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Is all about 3 things:

1) Create new "ambient dinos" for various terrain chunks.  These dinos don't run, but casually do their thing while you rush past them.  Do they know they are about to die?  Probably not...

2) Get ready for the upcoming KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN, tentatively scheduled to launch on Jan 24th.  That's 2 weeks from now! Here is a peek at the roadmap that we are using to show how we intend to use the hypothetical funds:

3) Haul dino butt on a coding iteration loop.. that's a fancy way to say "do the same set of tasks over and over" until what it produces is up to our standards. The loop is as follows:

A) Create system / solve problem for allowing 15+ parallax layers in camera  

B) Add up/down movement to camera - if we go too far up we see sky + clouds, if we go too far down we see grass & dirt  

C) Add day/night/various times of day to camera test

D) Add "red doom" to camera test

E) Add basic physics shapes to ground, roll around some boulders, etc.

F) Experiment with more advanced physics and shape rendering (keeping shapes pixel-crisp but also easily rotatable)

We just finished A & B and here is what it looks like:

It may look very much like the old camera test, but it's using an entirely new system that allows for more layers and flexibility. And you may also notice it goes up and down now :)

Then we experiment with daytime / nighttime, simple doom filter, basic physic shapes (boulders?) and then more advanced physics tests.  THEN we start at the top again and adjust the camera, day/night, doom, physics... all based on what we learned the first time around.  After a few cycles, we'll have a pretty solid engine set up for how we view the action in the game, basic weather and physics.

But of course, it's still the very beginning...  we have a long way to go, and super appreciate all the support you've provided so far!

Until next time...

-Miles @ Pixeljam


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