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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding HOUSE OF XXX: The Clone Queen in the comments below.



Spooney Bard

A second House of XXX for this month because one just wasn't enough. Whilst not a bad idea in general to branch out we have yet another feature. Many of the least impactful stories have been stuck in this mode for a long while, and Maddy doesn't benefit from this format anymore than Faye Ito, Spiral, or Domino. It was a letdown as a format when it was Sue Storm, so I am not exactly a fan here either. It was not one of the worst, but in some ways it's worse because its hard to feel anything. It just lays there with a brief overarching pairing with beau numero uno one. Then we have flashbacks. Traditional pairing. Twist pairing. Ultra hardcore. Yuri fourway! Then the monster pairings, hey more yuri. It would be my preference for more characters to debut, but either in one of two slight format changes. Either the main pairing is the whole book or the book exists solely as a series of flashbacks as an intro. Tarantula's intro in Whoreoines for Hire is a good example of the former and Ant-Man and the Wasp worked very well as an example of the latter. Tarantula got a proper story that also worked as just a parody and Scott/Hope played out with increasing intrigue because it didn't have to rely on a three act structure.