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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding HOUSE OF XXX: Logan's Marvels in the comments below.



Darnell Henriquez

So at the end of kamala’s list she said that she wanted to visit Scott in krakoa, does this mean that we’re going to see a porn version of champions #5 between the two of them?

Just another Monday

Really love the Kamala plays innocent before going down the (anal) rabbit hole of a Logan/Carol three way. Kamala's polymorph powers playing a good funny factor of her self-bimbofication. My only nitpick is a typo with the underwear brand. Carol cites a collaboration with "Janice" when that should be "Janet" the Wasp. But other than that, everything plays like Aces. = 9/10

Spooney Bard

Kamala made love to Carol after a sanity defying long wait in Logan's Marvels. I only made it to the poll once in the "pitch a story" days and my story featuring this pairing won in what seems a lifetime ago. This one is pretty good, its central pairing utterly unassailable. Was it funny, romantic and erotic? Hell yes, even all three at once. Daol's naturalistic art lifted this one to the next level. She has a great eye for structural panels and pans, great great interpanel movement. I really like the gentle placement of fingers (Kamala holding a sheet tensely while Carol reaches out) and the heavy emphasis on eye placement (in the same panel from above Carol has her eyes wide and the one blocked by hair casting a mischievous glance whilst Khan has hers close together but brimming with intrigue). Carol is elegant and Godesslike in long sweeping movements, and Kamala very genteel and close to the chest. There is no real letdown in their interactions, it somehow branches from a first kiss to a double titfuck to anal/69 to a cumbath back to a kiss a cuddle and a snuggle utterly effortlessly. So can I say why it isn't quite a classic? Well I'd hate to self flagellate, but the reason I used a two scenario love scene in my pitch is that I couldn't justify adding any man to these two. Although Logan is well drawn and written (and added several funny lines about Cyclops) and added some spice to the mixture in terms of lovemaking -- as a character he just didn't add a thing. Although this is a bit of a running joke in the text (he lies blanket-less, Kamala's reaction to him initiating contact is huh, most of the time he is just trying to be there) it was a distraction. There were a dozen great places to go focusing solely on the Captain and her Ms.


Personally, I'm just glad to see Kamala Khan get it!


I loved it! The art work is wonderful, and we all need some more Kamala in our lives... Especially when it's from you!


Could've used a bit more Carol/Kamala action imo


I always am dissatisfied with how little Kamala is featured...