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There you go!

You picked your favorites among my favorites and I actually ended up deciding to make the THREE most voted ideas become new comics.

It'll take a few months until they're ready for release, but I'll start working on them right away.

I can't really say how much time because it depends on a whole bunch of factors (choosing the right artists, working with their work schedules, building the visual narrative with them, etc).

I know you're very excited about these stories and can't wait to see the finished results, but I'm sure you're also gonna enjoy all the other amazing, sensational, superior, spectacular comics I'll be releasing in the meantime.

Thank you all once again!
I hope to do another one of these contests very soon.




Rogue and Spidey made it WOOHOO!!!


I voted for the Ms. Marvel and the Spider-Girl one. So I'm glad


These three look like they're going to be pretty interesting to see.


It was my idea originally. I was trying to come up with an idea that was unusual, and my first concept was Marrow and Spidey, since there was one issue where those two characters had a chemistry. But after learning more about it, I abandoned that idea and started looking at all the other women that Peter had kissed. I was shocked to learn about an alt-Rogue and Peter, and it appealed to me. Glad to hear others liked the idea too. :D