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Now with 100! comics available.
All thanks to YOU, my dear supporters. 

Rewards should be sent by AUGUST 17th. 

Oh my...!
100 comics! Jeez... How does one cope with that? Well... By making more, of course. But not before celebrating such a milestone with the kind of stories that readers seem to like the most: MCU parodies and over-using 4th wall breaking jokes.

Here's what's coming this month. 

Peter is in San Francisco and feels it's a good opportunity to make things right with Scott after their fight in that german airport. But he only finds Luis, who starts telling him the WHOLE story of what Scott and Hope are doing...
(lines by LLAMABOY/ colors by THUNKSTUDIO)
What happens when Gwen Poole steals the Gauntlet from Thanos and has control of all the six Infinity Stones? She raids the Tracyverse, what else? Behold the celebration for 100 comics released so far.
(art by ALX, inspired by all that came before him)

By the way, these comics are a bit behind on schedule, so I only have the inked art of the covers to show for right now. Also, the release date will be a little bit later than usual (Aug 17th), mostly because: 

A) I had to watch AM&TW before starting the comic.
B) It wasn't easy making a comic that talks about the 99 comics that came before it.

So... I hope you enjoy the final results, despite the longer it will take to get them finished.

As always,
Thanks for being the awesomest patrons. 





Hype, hype, HYPED~!! 🤗


Waiting is always a good way to appreciate the finer things in life.


Can't wait to read Ant-Man and the Wasp