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(Heh... "fucking comics"... pun very intended!)

This month marks the ephemeris of reaching 100 parodies!
Wow.... Ain't that something?
  • It was March/2012 when I reached my first artist and seriously started with all this. 
  • One year later, in April/2013, I published the first comic online. 
  • September/2014 marked the start of this Patreon campaign.
  • And now, July/2018 is the month I release my 100th comic. 

To celebrate I'll give a 50% discount on the co-writer pledge
(this month only).

If you'd like to seize this chance, send me a personal note (before pledging!) so that we can talk about the general rules for such collaboration and make sure everyone is happy with the work we'll do.

It'll be initially open for up to 6 people, on first-come/first-serve basis.
Let me know if you're interested.

In other news, here's the titles for the comics that'll mark the celebration for this month. Covers should be revealed this weekend, so stay tuned.

Thank you all, once again for this marvelous journey!
Hope to do at least 100 more!





Congrats on the milestone!


Congrats. I know I haven't kept up with the requesting of comics and returning forms but happy to help you get to 100.


Congrats, Tracy! :)


Congrats !


*waves a hand* Don’t forget me now :P


Of course not. I sent you some notes on discord earlier today. Did you get it?


That sounds fun!


Congratulation, and thank you so much for so many awesome comics.


Congrats to a 100 comics and here's to the next 100 comics. And even though I am interested of doing said reward its not going to be this month.


Awesome! Next stop, 1,000 comics!

Sven M.

Congrats. And already 100? Time flies with a great thing^^