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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding STEPFORD CUCKOOS in the comments below.



Cesar The Salad

I was looking forward to this one, I felt pretty disappointed that the schoolgirl skirts magically disappeared as soon as the sexy action started. I wanted them to get it on with those on, damn!


You’re not wrong. I should’ve paid more attention on the continuity aspects of this story, since that’s not really a forte for this artist. I’ll try and improve that area in the future. Thanks.


This is a super wacky one, and it was a gem. It does an exceptional job parodying the original short (dancing bankrobbers become orgying maniacs) with business casual swapped for schoolgirl. It does two different scenes with the same characters extremely well. The first is the psychic bangheaven where things are beyond erotic. Some triplet kink informs this madness, the use of endless orgasms a blistering addition. The anal and salad toss panel was a firebomb hitting a fireworks warehouse. The real world bang was less hot, and I'm a bit put off by angry Peter, but it still was great (panty collection was a nice touch) and classic Emma was a slam dunk. Fun game, picking out which cuckoo is which in each panel. In the big three I see Celeste-Gwen, Irma-MJ, and Phoebe-Felicia. In the tower I definitely have Irma in the middle, Celeste on top, and Phoebe on bottom. It's a minor entry in the Scopsverse, parodying a single scene no less, but a satisfying one on the way to 100.

Just another Monday

I truly enjoyed this. The trio of, essentially Emma Frost's "daughters", got hot & bothered by Spider-Man and followed to see if they could help. In classic Tracy fashion, they did, and that scene where the Cuckoos have the faces of Peter's classic love trio harem, he had a geyser & that was insane funny. I loved the scene near the end where they were stacked 1 sister on top of the other for Spidey to "web shoot" in. The creampies ending with "Erm, girls... Do you think he might've gotten us pregnant?" I nearly busted from the response "With this much cum? I'd be surprised if he hadn't." and that ending panel of Emma Frost getting gangbanged by 3 guards while those bank robbers were gun dildo fucked was tantalizing. I'm sorta hoping for a comic where all of Spidey's past fucks come back to haunt him with a pregnant gathering of all the women her creampied all for a major orgy. I give it a 9/10


I'm glad this one worked. But to be true, it wasn't a challenge. It's one clear example of a story that I just knew how to begin, develop and finish from the moment my collaborating writer and I started talking about it. On the other hand, that's exactly why I chose to have this one released together with the MJ Porno story. A Wildcard paired with an Ace. 🙃


I must respectfully disagree. In the dream scene there were many scenes in full garb, and they actually slowly stripped. From bottomless, to exposed top (with tie meow) to skirt only it progressed naturally. Any continuity issue (the tops especially on the cuckoo on Spidey's left) can be explained by this being a vision and the outfits conforming to the erotic moment. Even the ending scene doesn't have them strip until the very ending, and given the kink of the moment we could see why they ditched the clothes (messy Pete).


I love it, the use of the physics and then some physical stuff at the end, very nice. Also good to see gwen, MJ and Black Cat


This was just perf.


One of my faves, but then I'm biased because the Cuckoos have always interested me. Good to see them getting some love! The art was really nice and the story flowed well. No complaints here!