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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding HITTING THE POTTS in the comments below.



Spooney Bard

Contest Month: This nailed the theme perfectly. It built on previous issues (Auntcumming and Haptics Protocol) for a very witty and naughty good time. I can't imagine anyone who voted this theme could be in any way let down. It was great in eros and comedia which is a very challenging tone (although one Scops can do almost effortlessly it seems). Too Much Win: Karen is sexier than before and the Stark ending was great. The initiation of the Extremis was a great twist and gave a nice role reversal to her and May. The prudish Pepper very naturally evolved to a loving, gentle, and sincere partner which worked well with May's direct action. Gently stroking May's behind, hugging her in closer, and gently holding back her hair for a kiss were all clever touches. Sweet Lesbian Hands-Webbed Shirt Rip: Love clothes tearing, and this is a great way to get there. Bondage was a great first act, angry open-blouse Pepper with a bit of panties in her short skirt was impossible to resist. Pepper gently nibbled nips but May was a full on biter, she doesn't take no for an answer. Great hand work on May too, from a double twister to clenching in pleasure as the scene went on. Bit Too Much: Nitpick time, but perhaps we didn't need so much Karen as Pete doesn't get as much pure action time. It's always hard when so many characters appear on the other hand, I'm not sure there was an easy fix here as every page has a lot of needed depth. Why Not: Still no signs of the other Homecoming girls. Not one Michelle, Liz, or Betty reference. Hopefully they'll get next on the dock (May is up to three issues after all).


What Spooney said, mostly. Except, as someone who has always loved robot chicks, I disagree that there's too much Karen.


I don't think I voted for this one when it was a contest entry, but I greatly enjoyed it. The cover is wonderful, and I love the continuity you've established in your MCU Spidey comics now. It's always nice to see other women besides the usual Gwemjaylicia mix. Things really get hot once Peter webs Pepper up and Aunt May starts going to town on her, and I like the way you work towards "yes, she wants it" and have Peter say he doesn't want to get rapey, 'cause it totally could have. The hottest part, for me, comes right after Peter gets in the game, and May tries to entice him by almost pushing her asshole inside out. I don't care for full prolapses, but stretched gapes like that get a big thumbs up. My one complaint, which seems to echo the others, is the "instant orgasm mode" and limited space at the end of the comic seem to cut things rather short once the actual threesome starts. The panels on the last page and a half are all very hot, but if the first 4 pages could have been trimmed to 3, you could have fit another page of 3some action at the end, and had a montage of the girls working Peter and themselves up to orgasm, instead of it needing to be instant. A minor complaint, as it's still hot. Looking forward to more. Maybe next time one of Peter's classmates comes looking for Peter and when he gets home May has totally seduced the young girl and gets Peter to join them.

Spooney Bard

Since these were both contest winners I thought this would be a time to explore such issues. Now I voted for the top story in this contest although I quite was interested in this one too (it was the closest poll with people who usually abstain voting for the first time). Like X Psycho Nymphos this was a story I didn't vote for that became a huge favorite. I'll say this, we certainly expect great wit and character in our Scops stories and she absolutely delivered, even adding little touches like the Extremis (which I didn't see coming) and Stark (which I did) giving great texture to the tale. Perhaps we should concentrate more on pairings and let Tracey have more legroom in the stories for pitches, because this turned these three characters doing it into a great story.


I like that this followed continuity from prior comics. The scenes were well-done and Pepper is a character that hadn't been done before. I generally like the MCU Spider-cast even though I thought the movie itself didn't use them to their full potential, so I think this was a job well done.

Just another Monday

May walking in on Peter was fun, Pepper needing sex to stop her Extremis was great, May getting Pepper to join a Parker fuckfest was PRICELESS. It was great to read. The MCU cast in the book are fun to have every so often, but I feel that since Peter has been fucked by May many times, he'd develop a "Oh fuck it" mid-sentence & she'd probably do a retort like "Her's or mine?" to boost his boner. 8/10

Jack Charlotte

(Adding a review here to make up for lost time) There's a bit of conflict of interest here for me to give critique and input to this issue, so in doing it I'm pretty much giving as much feedback to myself retroactively as I am Tracy and the art team. Without getting into a "he said she said" bought of who wrote what, all I'll say is that save for the original rough draft ending, it was very much a collaborative effort, and I'm overall very happy with how it turned out. As mentioned by others above, the callbacks to prior Homecoming-based parodies was a happy fanboy tick for me, and I really loved the character interactions between Peter, Karen, May and Pepper. The reintroduction of Extremis was ingenious, and while I feel the concept of Pepper as a sexually ravenous woman could have been explored better, I also like the idea of May "calming her down" as well. I agree with most that the actual amount of sex in this comic is minimal, but personally I have no qualms over that, as their is definitely enough sexual themes across all eight pages, and again, the clash and conflict of character is something I'll readily accept in exchange of a full eight-page sex fest. Overall, I'm eternally grateful for Tracy for asking my assistance in this endeavor, and I hope everyone else enjoyed the final product.