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Alright peeps,
I'll be out of touch for the next 10 days, so I once again thank you all for your patience with the due rewards.

Over these last 3 years on Patreon you have all been amazing supporters and I don't take that lightly.

Some delays are unfortunately due to happen because I'm a one-perv-band in this campaign. I know that deadlines are important but remember that I do this in my spare time and don't get myself paid for it. All funds go to the comics production. Period.

Keep in mind that I'm not a big-time publisher and all this is done more like in artisanship, requiring my personal attention all the way through the craft. Despite the bumps here and there I have successfully, steadily and monthly delivered 88 comics so far and hope to do much more.

So, once again, thank you for the patience.
I'll be back soon with more of the spider-smut you eager for.

See ya next week!




Enjoy your week


Take care and enjoy yourself

Dennis King

Enjoy yourself

Just Passin By

Thank you for your dedication and commitment!! Enjoy your time off to the fullest!!